All exams should be like this. They have to be strong anyway.

—288th Hunter Exam's 1st Phase Examiner

The 288th Hunter Exam's 1st Phase Examiner is a laid-back middle-aged man.


Greed Island arc

Killua Passed

He passes Killua

He appears for the first time during the 1st phase of the 288th Hunter Examination. Seeing that 1489 candidates have reached the examination room, and asked to narrow it down to about 300, he tells them to fight each other for 2 hours with the requirement to pass being having at least 5 badges of other candidates. After more than 1.5 hours, he is extremely astonished to learn that the other 1488 candidates have been knocked unconscious by Killua. Chairman Netero then calls him on the phone, saying that the 2nd phase is unnecessary, and so he declares that Killua is the only contestant qualifying for a Hunter License.[1]

13th Hunter Chairman Election arc

After Netero's death, he is seen again at the Hunters Association, voting for a New 13th Chairman.


  1. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 15, Chapter 148


Template:Nav/Hunter's Association
