
"The Inevitable Outcome" (当然の結果 "Tōzen no Kekka") is the Chapter 11 of the Hunter x Hunter manga.



Buhara ate all the roasted pork the candidates made for him. 70 people are qualified for the next round. Satotz is seen watching over a distance, and is worrying about how Menchi will end up this phase.

Menchi demands a sushi. But nobody seems to know what kind of dish is a sushi so Menchi let's the candidates look at their working area. Everything is set up, the tools for cooking and the rice which is essential for making a sushi. She only accepts a handmade sushi, as well. Nobody is still clueless, except Hanzo, who claims that sushi is a traditional dish on his country.

Kurapika analyzes this and said that he read an article all about sushi before. You need to add white vinegar and a dressing, mixed up with a raw fish. Leorio shouts the ingredients which made everyone run to the ponds and rivers.

The candidates proceed on cooking, Leorio is the first one to finish. Menchi takes a look at it and without a second thought, threw his dish away. She claims that Leorio fails and the shape of the sushi is important. Next to finish is Gon, whose dish was also thrown away by Menchi. There are still many tries but Menchi does not accept even one.

Kurapika analyzes the hints again. By the hint handmade sushi, it should be something with the shape of a steak. Judging the set-up she uses, the sushi is picked up byt the chopsticks and is dipped on the little saucer before eaten, meaning the size can't be bigger than an egg.

He serves his dish, which looks just like Leorio's. Menchi throws it away, saying that he's no better than Leorio. Hanzo presents her his dish, Menchi takes a bite but still fails him. Hanzo gets mad and shouts the procedure of making a sushi. Menchi shouts at Hanzo about underestimating cooking.

All of a sudden, all of the candidates served her a normal-looking sushi. After she gets stuffed, she tells the Hunter exam is over and no one passed.

Characters in order of appearance
