
"No thanks. There was an idiot carrying a map here too."

— Illumi to Hisoka

Spy (密偵, Mittei) is the 329th chapter of the Hunter × Hunter manga, written and illustrated by Yoshihiro Togashi.


Chap 329 - The top 4 candidates after the fifth round of voting

The top 4 candidates after the fifth round of voting

Teradein, Loupe, and Bushidora release a joint statement, inviting the Hunters to reform the legendary and versatile Pure Paladin Squad which the late Chairman Netero belonged, and to vote for Teradein in the election. They also disclose information (presumably from Morel) that some Hunters (Illumi and Hisoka) have committed atrocities and that they unite and search for them. Pariston, Teradein, Cheadle, Leorio, Ickshonpe, Botobai, Mizaistom, and Morel are the top eight candidates to be included in the election for the 13th Chairman position. Other candidates provide their "losing" speeches and Ging is shown as a panda instead.

Hisoka and Illumi talk over the phone after killing their attackers. Hisoka informs Illumi that he has found a map detailing the aircrafts' paths and destinations. He offers to send Illumi a copy, albeit an altered one, but Illumi says that he also got a map from one of the attackers and that he already knows which aircraft Killua and Alluka are. Hisoka comments about a "peeping Tom."

Meanwhile, Tsubone senses that she is "double-followed". She changes herself into a glider and has Amane "drive" her as they tail behind Killua's aircraft. Somewhere else, Illumi sets out to help Hisoka deal with the other Hunters. Teradein cannot contact the Hunters they have sent to follow the aircrafts. Realizing that they might have been defeated or controlled already, Bushidora decides to deal with Illumi himself. Teradein is then worried that the votes will be affected due to the rising toll of killed Hunters. Loupe suggests hiring new Hunters from the Temp Hunter pool, which is connected to Pariston. He reasons that if these Hunters get killed, the votes for Pariston will decrease as well.

Pariston grants the request from Teradein to hire Temp Hunters and muses about how easy it is to understand the plans of the trio. While the election takes place, Killua contacts Canary and has her tell Hishita, another Zoldyck butler, to send out cars to three locations as well as near the hospital where Gon is. The sixth round's voting rate does not reach 95%, the condition is not met, and thus another election is to be held.

Loupe informs Teradein that their members, the Temp Hunters as well as Bushidora were all annihilated. Bewildered by the fact, Teradein states that humans controlled by needles imbued with Nen could not be that strong, not knowing that Illumi is aided by Hisoka. Killua and Alluka land where Hishita is waiting with a car. Killua tells Hishita to drive them to the hospital 60 kilometers away. Needle-controlled humans appear and surround the car. Killua, bewildered, orders Hishita to continue driving, but the latter informs him that he cannot do it unless "Master Illumi" tells him so. Illumi then appears from the forest.

Characters in Order of Appearance

