Founding: Part 1 (
Continuing to review the camcorder footage, Hinrigh confirms that the Heil-Ly are using teleportation as he sees two members using the only hallway to enter the standard cabins and somehow entering again hours later from a different direction. Although he considers the possibility of secret passageways, he is confident that they are using a Nen ability to access their hideout. He then makes his way back to Ken'i, who uses a map of the Black Whale and asks for confirmation that the military is aware of the Heil-Ly's official office on Tier 3 and that the room is sealed where Tserriednich's personal soldiers found the body of a warehouse guard.
With all six soldiers present, two confirm the information and add that the Heil-Ly weren't at the office. Ken'i tells them that they have possibly found the secret hideout behind Room 3101 and that Nobunaga plans to investigate it with two other Troupe members. He adds that he and Hinrigh will track the pair seen on the camcorder footage and try to bring them back alive so that they can avoid police involvement. Borksen explains that they are unable to help since the Heil-Ly know their faces, but another soldier adds that they can turn themselves in if they end up killing the two Heil-Ly members. Hinrigh asks if he told the Troupe about the trap, and Ken'i explains that when he asked how they planned to handle it, they replied that it doesn't matter.
In the first-class cabins on Tier 3, Nobunaga and Phinks stand behind Feitan as he knocks on one of the doors. A man tells them that they should hand over their woman if they don't have the money, but as soon as he opens the door, Feitan draws his sword and holds it inches from his face. The three Troupe members enter the room, and while Nobunaga suggests starting on one wall, Phinks suggests another and says that the door might not be the only trigger, adding that they should start with the bathroom. He explains that since they were told the hidden room was much larger, all the rooms must be connected. A small map shows the three members in Room 3102 next to the trap in Room 3101. Nobunaga repeats that he doesn't care about the Heil-Ly's trap, but Phinks warns him that it could possibly throw them out into the ocean. Although Nobunaga counters by saying that the Heil-Ly wouldn't waste the chance at a direct kill, he agrees with Phinks' suggestion to start with the bathroom, unsheathing his katana and swiftly cutting a rectangle-shaped hole out of the wall. Feitan tells the man to enter first, but he nervously wonders what's inside and asks to get someone younger.
After Feitan moves the blade closer to his throat, the man begrudgingly enters the room that's only lit by two orb-shaped lamps on the floor. The three Troupe members enter behind him, and Feitan guesses that there were people there recently based on the food and drinks left behind. Phinks says that something doesn't add up if the Heil-Ly were competent enough to detect them and escape, wondering why they let a member who was a complete amateur confront them without warning him. Nobunaga guesses that they used him as a scapegoat to make sure the others stay on their toes, adding that they are similar to the Troupe and wondering if they were affected by the member's death. Phinks quickly replies that they are nothing alike since they don't allow amateurs and don't want to destroy the world. However, Nobunaga reminds them that they used to be that way in the beginning, saying that resignation and anger caused them to search for a purpose.
In a flashback to Meteor City, Franklin catches a videotape and hopes that it's something like anime or action they can understand without knowing the language, adding that the foreign language lessons they found were the worst. Shalnark says that there were 20 volumes of Gelman taught in Jannan, both of which they don't know. He happily adds that the suspense of not knowing is half the fun, wishing that they could search longer without Uvogin kicking them out of his territory. As Chrollo says that they might be in trouble since Machi was watching them earlier, Uvogin suddenly appears and yells at them for stealing from his "kingdom". Refusing to let them off the hook, he offers to only kill them once if they hand it over peacefully and threatens to kill them ten times if they keep running.
Shalnark chuckles and calls him an idiot since they won't do what he says if he plans to kill them anyway, but Uvogin strikes him in the head with an object from the trash piles and says that he will die nine more times. As Uvogin leaps down toward the other two, Franklin tosses the tape to Chrollo and tells him to find out what's on it. He then tells Uvogin that the stuff there belongs to everyone and the only cure for stupidly calling trash piles a kingdom is death. Uvogin replies that only idiots let their surroundings define them, confidently saying that he is always himself wherever he is.
The two then exchange vicious punches and continue to fight, with Uvogin telling Chrollo to stop and Franklin telling him to keep running. After making his escape, Chrollo hears an engine behind him and suddenly sees Phinks driving a motorcycle with Feitan riding on the back. Phinks cuts him off and says that unlike Uvogin, they promise to return the tape later if he hands it over nicely. After Chrollo calmly gives it to him, Phinks tells him not to mention it to Uvogin and adds that he actually meant a hundred years when he said later, laughing as he speeds away. Chrollo smiles and pulls out another tape from inside his shirt, and it's revealed that he actually gave Phinks Volume 20 of "Learning Gelman".
Chrollo eventually reaches a large church and makes his way inside. A priest welcomes him back and asks if he is studying videos again. Chrollo says that he is and points out that there are more small graves outside. The priest says that they even enter the internal residential zones now to abduct more and more kids who never return, warning Chrollo not to visit the outskirts alone. It's then explained that the people of Meteor City have no social status and don't officially exist, making them prime targets for corrupt individuals. It's revealed that before the city gained protection in exchange for providing recruits for the Mafia, hundreds died every year and 70% of the casualties were children under 15 years old. After their alliance with the Mafia, the city's elders eventually developed Nen abilities and established the law of retribution, which stated that only life can pay for life and that they will accept anything left there as long as nothing is taken away from them. It's finally stated that the Phantom Troupe came into being just as the world began to fear the city of victims, whose humanity no one recognized.
Chrollo says that he's going to the video room, and the priest tells him to take his time, adding that the previous visitor is still there. After entering the room, Chrollo is happy to see Pakunoda, who greets him and says that no one else visits since they don't want to be lectured by Father Lisores. She adds that he told her Chrollo studied his tapes there, and Chrollo replies that he thought no one would look for him in the church, begging her not to tell Uvogin or Phinks. He eventually starts the tape and becomes worried when he only sees static on the television. After telling him to think of it like a new blank tape, Pakunoda can't believe that Chrollo can already speak Gelman and Jannan, with him explaining that the two languages have similar grammar.
In the church's basement, Lisores addresses an older individual and tells them that Chrollo has great promise based on his curiosity and intelligence, wondering if his ideas could be of use to the elders. The individual replies that it would be wonderful if Chrollo could help fix the problems plaguing the city. Sometime later, Pakunoda is surprised to see the Mighty Sweepin' Power Cleaners on the television, and Chrollo says that the Mighty Sweepin' Power Cleaners are popular all over the world, guessing that the VCR was programmed wrong and explaining that he fast-forwarded about ten minutes past the static. Pakunoda excitedly suggests inviting everyone and watching it together, even though it's in a different language, but Chrollo points out that it would be more fun if everyone could follow the story, asking her for a favor.
Pakunoda is confused by the term dubbing, and Chrollo explains that it involves recording a voice-over to match the characters talking, adding that he will write up the script and asking her to voice the Pink Cleaner. Pakunoda replies that she can't say no to her little brother, but Chrollo quickly tells her not to call him that since he's older, with her replying that it never seems that way. Chrollo then says that he has one more favor, and Pakunoda guesses that he wants her to get Sheila and Sarasa to voice the Purple and Orange Cleaners, adding that the love triangles and exchanges between the female members are important and that it would be better to have three distinct voices. Chrollo puts on a huge smile and tells Pakunoda that he loves her, but she tells him not to sweet talk her, with Chrollo assuring her that he meant it.
After Pakunoda meets up with them, Sarasa immediately agrees to help since it sounds fun, and Sheila says that she will do it if Sarasa does. As Sheila trips and falls on the ground, Pakunoda tells them to keep their voices down and that the screening will be on Sunday at the All-Faiths Church auditorium, adding that they can't let Uvogin and the guys find out. Sarasa agrees that Uvogin is a talkative idiot and lashes out when he doesn't get all the attention. Pakunoda asks about Sheila's book, and she tells her that it's called The Swashbuckling Adventures of Dino Hunter. Pakunoda asks if she has already read it, and Sheila explains that it's the only book she reads since she wants to become a Hunter. Pakunoda wonders if reading more books would be better, but Sheila replies that sound logic won't change her mind.
Back at the church, Chrollo happily presents the scripts to the three girls, and Pakunoda can't believe that he finished it in the time it took her to find the two of them. Chrollo then tells Sheila that she has to stop reading while she walks since she will keep getting hurt otherwise. As Sarasa chooses the Orange Cleaner, Pakunoda realizes that Chrollo is voicing everyone else, and he explains that word might get out if more people are involved. Sheila tells Pakunoda that Chrollo was definitely born in the wrong place, and she agrees. Chrollo tells Sarasa that Orange is full of energy, and she cheerfully replies that it's the reason she picked her. On the outskirts of the city, three men step out of a van as three children are seen in the back, with coverings on their heads and their wrists bound with rope. The van eventually drives off, and back at the church, the four children begin recording their voice-overs.
Characters in Order of Appearance[]
- Hinrigh Biganduffno
- Perigord (Video)
- Bille (Video)
- Ken'i Wang
- Tserriednich Hui Guo Rou (Mentioned)
- Borksen
- Momolly
- Otocin
- Nobunaga Hazama
- Feitan Portor
- Phinks Magcub
- Luini (Mentioned indirectly)
- Franklin Bordeau (Flashback)
- Shalnark (Flashback)
- Chrollo Lucilfer (Flashback)
- Uvogin (Flashback)
- Machi Komacine (Flashback)
- Feitan Portor (Flashback)
- Phinks Magcub (Flashback)
- Lisores (Flashback; Debut)
- Pakunoda (Flashback)
- Sarasa (Flashback; Debut)
- Sheila (Flashback)