
Friends × Costumes × Hell's Ear (仲間×変装×地獄耳, Hakama × Hensō × Jigoku Mimi) is the 64th episode of the original Hunter × Hunter anime and the 2nd episode of the Yorknew City OVA series. It was released on DVD on January 17th, 2002.


Kurapika's team sets out to find the Phantom Troupe. The Troupe decides to stay and find Kurapika after sensing the location of the Nen-copied Scarlet Eyes.


Killua and Leorio are shocked by Gon's request to have Kurapika use his Judgment Chain on Gon, since Kurapika can supposedly only attack members of the Phantom Troupe with the Nen blade. Gon asks why Kurapika can have attached a Nen blade to his heart. Kurapika doesn't want all his friends to know that information about him and potentially put him at even greater risk, so Killua and Leorio leave the room to let Gon and Kurapika discuss it alone.

At the Phantom Troupe's hideout, the Spiders debate what Nen type the Chain User could be and wonder why the Chain User would silence Hisoka and assume that he must know something important about the Chain User. Hisoka watches this discussion happen, amused. Nobunaga insists they need to find and eliminate the Chain User immediately.

Leorio Kurapika Killua HXH 99 EP64

Leorio and Killua asking Kurapika to use his Nen chain on them

Back at the hotel, Kurapika explains the uses of his different chains and Scarlet Eyes to Gon and how he made it so that only his Chain Jail could be used on Spiders, but his Judgment Chain could be used on anyone. Gon is slightly confused by all the information but understands enough to ask Kurapika to use his Judgment Chain on him again. Killua and Leorio appear behind Kurapika, having been listening in on the conversation, and ask Kurapika to use his Judgment Chain on them as well. Kurapika refused, worried about their safety, and wanted to keep his friends as in the dark as possible, especially should they encounter Pakunoda again. Kurapika thinks to himself about how he has finally found true friends that he wants to protect at all costs. Killua leaves ahead of the other boys to scout the Spider's hideout.

Chrollo divides up the Spiders into groups, not wanting anyone to be alone after hearing their prophecy of the near future, and has Franklin and Bonolenov stay with Hisoka. Machi expresses her worries to Chrollo about leaving three of their members behind, as Gon knows where their hideout is, although she still thinks he is not connected to the Chain User. Having entirely forgotten to bring it up to Chrollo before then, Nobunaga floats the idea by Chrollo of having Gon join the Troupe. Although Chrollo isn't against the idea, he believes that Gon will never accept it. He still takes Machi's worries seriously, though, and has Kortopi create many copies of their hideout to make the real one harder to find.

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Killua noticing new buildings

Killua approaches the area where the Spiders' hideout was before, but is immediately confused, as the place doesn't look quite the same anymore. As Killua scouts out the area further, he is certain that some of the buildings are set up as a trap. Killua informs Kurapika, who is wearing a disguise, Gon, and Leorio about this via phone call while driving in a car. Kurapika tells Killua not to go any further for now and that he'll call him back. Kurapika calls Melody from the car to ask her if she is busy with Neon, who she and Basho have taken shopping. Neon seems completely happy and distracted, focused on buying clothes, while Melody is given orders to do something by Kurapika.

At the Spiders' hideout, Chrollo runs through the plan with the rest of the Spiders. Chrollo shows the Troupe the photo he printed out of Neon and a photo of the Nostrade bodyguards he printed, which contains two more people than the photo Shalnark has. From this, they can deduce that the Hunter Website is regularly updated as bodyguards die or get added. Chrollo instructs Shalnark to check the Hunter Website again for any more recent changes. Shizuku asks why Neon would even come to Yorknew City, and Pakunoda guesses it was likely for the auction. Chrollo suddenly becomes very serious and focused, having realized something.

Kortopi en 2

Kortopi tracks the eyes

Chrollo apologizes to the Troupe, claiming he was too busy trying to steal Neon's ability before putting together the puzzle pieces. He says that Neon is a collector of body parts. He explains how he believes that the Chain User likely didn't become involved with the Nostrade Family by coincidence, but rather purposefully joined them to get close to the auction and the Scarlet Eyes and hopefully get back at the Phantom Troupe. Kortopi says he actually made a copy of the Scarlet Eyes and would, therefore, be able to track them if he touched the real ones. They find the eyes, and Kortopi says the others are about five miles away from them. Chrollo looks at a map and notices that the Hotel Beitacle is about that distance away. Nobunaga greatly desires to be the one to go there, and Chrollo allows it, sending a large group of Spiders with him.

Squala and his dogs HXH 99 EP64

Squala and his dogs with the fake Scarlet Eyes

At the hotel, Squala sits beside the fake Scarlet Eyes with his dogs. The dogs become uneasy at the presence outside, and someone claiming to be room service knocks on the door. Squala tells them to leave everything in the hall and then has one of his dogs open the door and retrieve the food. Sensing nothing wrong with it, he and all his dogs sit down to eat.

Killua gets a call from someone he doesn't recognize, who claims to be an associate of Kurapika's. Killua sees Melody very far off in the distance, and she asks him to turn off his phone and whisper a command to her. He hangs up and asks her to raise her right arm. He sees her do so and is impressed by her hearing abilities, happy to have her on their team.

Back at the Spider hideout, Hisoka is amused with himself for fooling the Spiders into thinking Kurapika silenced him. He daydreams about being able to fight Chrollo one-on-one once the other Spiders are gone.

Characters in Order of Appearance[]

