
"I underestimated them... I thought I'd rise quickly in their ranks. I'm far inferior... almost hopeless. But I won't give up. I'm used to waiting it out. No matter how many years it takes... I want to get my brother back."

— Kalluto Zoldyck in "10: Part 7"

Kalluto Zoldyck (カルト=ゾルディック, Karuto Zorudikku) is an elite professional assassin,[3] and the youngest child of Silva and Kikyo Zoldyck. He is member #4 of the Phantom Troupe, replacing Hisoka.[4]


Kalluto 2011 Design

Kalluto's 2011 anime adaptation design

Kalluto 1999 Design

Kalluto's 1999 anime adaptation design

Kalluto Confetti

Kalluto's manga appearance

Kalluto has shoulder-length black hair (cut in bobcut style in the 2011 anime and Chimera Ant arc of the manga), and pink eyes. He has a mole on the left side of his mouth. His most commonly seen attire is a dark kimono (furisode), accompanied with a yellow obi tied around his waist, and zōri, a pair of Japanese sandals. During the Chimera Ant arc, Kalluto's kimono is black with white and violet edges. He has an overall feminine appearance, which has led him to be mistaken for a girl.[5][6]

His spider tattoo has the number 4 on the spider's abdomen,[4] but the tattoo location has yet to be revealed.

When he was younger, he wore a sweater and pants like the rest of his siblings.


97 - Kalluto

Kalluto shows his sadistic side

Kalluto has a silent and obedient personality, often seen doing what he is told. He is established to have a very good relationship with his mother. While he is very quiet, he has shown to be more talkative after joining the Spiders. He is also shown to be quite calm with good control of his feelings. Nonetheless, he proves during his fight against a Chimera Ant that, despite his calm demeanor, Kalluto has a brutal side and a bad habit of dragging out a fight in order to toy with his victims,[7] he seems to have no apparent morals, as the group he is a part of brutally massacred the Kurta Clan.[8]

Though Kalluto seems to be confident, he also displays a habit of questioning his skills and abilities when he feels that he is not good enough. Despite this, Kalluto possesses an inner resilience and determination, as seen when he reaffirms to himself that he is accustomed to enduring pain and hardship, then swears to get his brother back even when realizing his massive inferiority to other Phantom Troupe members.[9]

Phinks saves Kalluto

Kalluto being saved by Phinks

He seems to be quite loyal to his comrades as he offered to help Feitan in his fight against Zazan, but was rejected, he was also visibly distraught over the deaths of Shalnark and Kortopi,[10] and given that he was surprised with Illumi when he discloses that all the Spiders were in the Black Whale to Zodiac member, Mizaistom.[11] Despite not being a Meteor City resident, Kalluto was one of the Spiders who defended the city from the Chimera Ants.[12]

Kalluto is said to be envious of his older sister, Alluka,[13] for reasons that have yet to be revealed. He appears to obey and respect Illumi, as he often went on assassination works with him.[14][9] Kalluto was also extremely furious at Gon, Leorio and Kurapika, looking frustrated at the trio when they invaded the mountain,[15] suggesting that he doesn't want Killua to leave with them, a behavior shared with Illumi and Kikyo, and given that he joined the Spiders to retrieve one of his brothers.[9]


Zoldyck sons - anime

Kalluto taking pictures with his family

Kalluto was born in the Republic of Padokea*[1] and is the fifth and youngest child born to Silva and Kikyo Zoldyck. Like his brothers, he was trained in assassination since being born. He learned Nen at some point before his appearance in the Greed Island arc, gaining a high level of proficiency in Zetsu in particular. About three years prior to the events of the Yorknew City arc, Kalluto and his brothers were summoned by their father, who, having just assassinated member #8 of the Phantom Troupe for a price deemed not worthy of the job (the highest compliment he ever gives a target), admonished them to stay away from the Troupe.[16]


Hunter Exam arc

HxH2011 EP23 Kalluto watches

Kalluto watches behind the bushes

Kalluto first appears spying on Gon in the bushes, as the latter attempts to pass Canary's guard.[17] When Kikyo leaves after getting notice that Killua has been freed from his confinement, Kalluto hangs around and silently observes Gon, Leorio, and Kurapika before leaving after Kikyo calls for him a second time. Kalluto is next seen witnessing his mother trying to stop Killua from leaving home. After Killua successfully gets her to back off, Kalluto stands quietly and watches while Killua leaves, completely ignoring him.[15]

Yorknew City arc

HxH2011 EP53 Kalluto arrives

Kalluto during the assassination of the Ten Dons

When the Mafia Community placed bounties on the Phantom Troupe members, Killua mentions that his father once told Illumi, Killua, Milluki, and Kalluto to stay away from the Troupe.[16]

Kalluto accompanies his great-great-grandfather Maha and big brother Illumi in the assassination of the Mafia's Ten Dons, who have placed large bounties on the Phantom Troupe's heads.[14] He later acts as a decoy to help Illumi switch places with Hisoka in the Troupe's hideout.[5] Hisoka hired Illumi to disguise as himself so that he'd be able to leave without being noticed and fight Chrollo.[18]

Greed Island arc

Kalluto GI

Kalluto in Greed Island

During the time the Phantom Troupe is on Greed Island in search of an exorcist, Kalluto joins the Troupe as Hisoka's replacement. According to Kalluto, his abilities helped the Troupe successfully locate the Exorcist, Abengane. Even though he has a perfect Zetsu, his presence is still detected by Hisoka, who goes on to praise him for having a lot of potential.[4]

Chimera Ant arc

The Phantom Troupe arrive at Meteor City

The Phantom Troupe arrive at Meteor City

Kalluto accompanies Shalnark, Feitan, Bonolenov, Shizuku, and Phinks back to the Spiders' hometown where they see mutated Chimera Ants and learn that a self-proclaimed "Queen" turns humans into Ants.[12]

During the Phantom Troupe's assault on Zazan's palace in Meteor City, Kalluto grows excited when he hears whoever defeats the queen will become the de facto leader. He is shown to be spying on other members of Phantom Troupe by using pieces of paper. When he realizes that Feitan had found the Queen he wonders how he should kill the Queen before Feitan could, but is distracted by a Chimera Ant, who calls him a girl and asks him to come over. Kalluto refuses and says he is in a hurry, preparing to fight against the Ant.[6] Kalluto fights the Chimera Ant, which he kills after torturing it for a while.[19] He then thinks to himself that he should break his habit of playing with his targets before going over to where Feitan and Zazan were fighting.[7]

Kalluto prepares to kill the ants

Kalluto prepares to take out the remaining Ants

Kalluto watches Feitan fight against Zazan, impressed and intimidated by Feitan's skills and speed, while getting irritated when the other Troupe members comment that despite the feats displayed, Feitan is still rusty and sluggish.[20] It is then revealed that Kalluto joined the Spiders with the intention of retrieving his older brother. He anticipated that he would rise to the number 2 position in the Troupe very quickly, but is left in awe of the Phantom Troupe's combat proficiency and has to admit to himself that his own skills are still too lacking compared to theirs to achieve that objective. However, he swears to keep enduring no matter how long it takes. Kalluto offers to help Feitan at one point but is declined. When Feitan is about to use his Nen powers, Kalluto is eager to watch, but is advised by the other Troupe members to stay away lest he is killed since Feitan's power is indiscriminate and has a wide range.[9]

Kalluto then helps his comrades to kill the rest of the mutated Chimera Ants. He is last seen witnessing Phinks throwing rocks at Shalnark and Feitan, in one of the Troupe's light-hearted moments.[9]

13th Hunter Chairman Election arc

Milluki with Alluka and Kalluto

Kalluto with Milluki and Alluka in past

Although Kalluto doesn't formally appear in this arc, he was shown in a short flashback of Illumi when he was younger. Kalluto, along with his older siblings Milluki and Alluka, are out for a walk when they meet a photographer. Milluki tricked the photographer Muna into saying 'No' to Alluka's wishes 3 times.[21] Later, it was also stated that Kalluto is envious of his older sibling, Alluka.[13]

Succession Contest arc

Chap 377 - Spiders moving out

The Spiders move out

Kalluto boards the Black Whale and begins searching for Hisoka. After four days, the entire Phantom Troupe gathers in the dining hall, where Chrollo hears the reports about their fruitless search for Hisoka. They conclude that Hisoka is not on Tier 5, though two other Mafia families control the upper tiers. A group from the Cha-R Family then interrupts their meeting, with the leader rudely asking them to move. After a brief exchange, the Spiders comply. Chrollo orders the Troupe to bring him Hisoka's head, after which they can celebrate. Then, they split up.[10]

Chap 380 - Illumi and Kalluto found on Deck 3

Kalluto and Illumi cornered

Soon afterward, Kalluto and Illumi are on the vista area of Tier 3, though the military corners them after their emergency announcement of a dangerous stowaway. The soldiers demanded if they did not hear the announcement, and Kalluto stated that they were asleep and did not notice. One soldier takes an I.D. from Illumi's pocket and identifies them as VVIPs. He insists that he should escort them both. Illumi declines the offer, saying that he has business there. Two Zodiacs members, Botobai Gigante and Mizaistom Nana, arrive and interrupt the exchange. Mizaistom asks Illumi if the Phantom Troupe is on board, which the latter bluntly confirms while implying he is a Spider as well. Kalluto reacts in shock at his brother's statement, to which Illumi only replies he is an honest person. Mizaistom then offers them residential units in Tier 3 and starts leading them there. However, due to another urgent matter, he leaves Illumi and Kalluto to Botobai and Ginta.[11]

On the seventh day of the voyage, after Phinks, Nobunaga, and Feitan discuss the current situation with Ken'i and Tajao, Phinks asks them to verify Morena's location. At the same time, they contact the other Troupe members and hunt down the hit man.[22] On the tenth day of the voyage, after Onior confirms with Hinrigh that Hisoka isn't in Tier 4, he says that Hinrigh can permit the Spiders to search that tier.[23]


Paper Fan

Kalluto cuts a steel rope with his fan

Hakusen: Kalluto uses a folding fan made out of paper both as a weapon and as a medium for his Dance of the Serpent's Bite ability. Using Shu, he can turn it into a fearsome edged weapon with which he is able to cut steel easily.[19]

Zoldyck Personal Transmitter: The assassins of the Zoldyck Family can contact each other with a special transmitter to report the fulfillment of a murder contract.[14]

Abilities & Powers

As a Zoldyck child who often participates in his family's assassination missions, Kalluto possesses high resistance to poisons and electricity, great agility and physical strength, and advanced assassination techniques; furthermore, as a member of the Zoldyck Family, he has vast wealth and capable underlings at his disposal. His family name alone is enough to scare those familiar with it.[24] His strength and physical abilities are largely unknown. His power was considered sufficient for him to join the Phantom Troupe, making him a thief with a Class-A bounty.[25]

Advanced Strength: Being a Zoldyck assassin, Kalluto can open the Testing Gates,[26] although the number of doors he can open is unknown.

Zoldycks running

Kalluto keeping up with his mother running speed

Enhanced Speed: Kalluto is shown to have an extreme speed, being able to run through the Zoldyck Estate in a few minutes.[15] Kalluto was quick enough to cut an iron rope before it hit him.[19]

Advanced Agility: After distracting Franklin and Bonolenov, Kalluto jumped out of the window and quickly disappeared.[5]

Master of Stealth: Kalluto is very proficient in hiding and spying: he watched over Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio completely unseen. He was able to appear before Bonolenov and Franklin without them noticing him approaching, and to disappear in seconds,[5] something neither Gon nor Killua, a very gifted assassin himself, managed to achieve. Only Hisoka was able to sense him, but still praised his competence in Zetsu.[4] Again, in the nest of the Chimera Ants lead by Zazan he applied Nen-imbued confetti on his fellow comrades and followed their actions through his "Surveillance Paper Dolls" undetected.[6]

Weapon Specialist: Kalluto is fully capable of fighting with his paper fan: he demonstrated it by slicing a steel rope three times before it was able to reach him. He might be a tessenjutsu practitioner. The current produced by the motion of his fan is strong enough to lift confetti off the ground.[19]

Chap 226 - Kalluto assassination skills

Kalluto performing the Rhythm Echo

Assassination Skills: Kalluto, being a Zoldyck, is one of the best killers in the world, and he often teams up with Illumi to assassinate his targets.[14][5] Kalluto can also likely perform assassination abilities like adjusting the anatomy of his own body to create sharp claws, though this has never been shown happening in the series.

  • Rhythm Echo: The Rhythm Echo is an advanced art of assassination, thanks to which the user creates several after-images of his body through a variable cadence of steps. There is a total absence of noise during the movement. According to Netero it is the advanced version of the "Silent Gaits" technique. When Kalluto used it, he left at least two after-images behind himself.[19]


Kalluto is a Manipulator leaning toward Emission.[2] He seems to be fairly talented in the field of Nen. His proficiency allowed him to join the Phantom Troupe at a very young age, though he considers himself its weakest member.[9] He has showcased impressive skills in Shu, cutting a steel rope with his fan,[19] and Zetsu, the latter of which caused him to be praised by Hisoka, who was delighted by his aptitude. It was remarked that Kalluto's mastery over this technique is perfect, and Machi and Nobunaga were shocked that Hisoka was able to detect him so easily, which, by his own admission, was because his senses were highly attuned after the dodgeball game.[4]

He has the ability to manipulate paper, using a paper fan and confetti as weapons. It is possible that he materializes the confetti since, when he was fighting with a Chimera Ant, they rained down from his hand while an instant before, there was nothing in it,[19] although they could have been hidden in his sleeve.

Kalluto was also able to locate an Exorcist on Greed Island thanks to an ability of his.[4] It is unknown if this was achieved through his paper dolls or if it is a separate ability.

Kalluto's Nen Type: Manipulation
Type: Manipulation Surveillance Paper Dolls*
Paper Dolls
By attaching a piece of confetti to a person's body and creating a paper doll of that person, Kalluto is able to hear anything being said within the vicinity of that person, thus allowing him to gain precious information without being detected.[6] Not even Nen users skilled as the Phantom Troupe members noticed the technique was being used on them.
Type: Manipulation Dance of the Serpent's Bite (()(コウ)()(まい)()()()()()(), Dakou no Mai)
Paper Manipulation
2011 EP96 Small Beetle surrounded by Kalluto's paper confetti
The technique is initiated when Kalluto lifts his hand and drops a certain amount of paper confetti. By subsequently waving his fan through the air with graceful movements, he can lift them up and throw them at his opponent from multiple angles. If one sticks into his or her body, he can move his fan again to gather the remaining confetti and hurl them at the opponent again, amassing them in the shape of a swirling stream reminiscent of a serpent. Snaking through the air, the stream pierces into the body part where the confetti had previously stuck. If there are more than one, Kalluto can then gather the confetti again to repeat the attack.[19] Using this ability multiple times, Kalluto was able to tear apart the body of a Chimera Ant without difficulty.[7]

Manga Appearances

Hunter Exam arc
1. The Day of Departure Absent
2. An Encounter in the Storm Absent
3. The Ultimate Choice Absent
4. Kiriko: Wicked Magical Vulpes Absent
5. The First Phase Begins, Part 1 Absent
6. The First Phase Begins, Part 2 Absent
7. Respective Reasons Absent
8. The Other Enemy Absent
9. A Struggle in the Mist Absent
10. An Unexpected Task Absent
11. The Inevitable Outcome Absent
12. The Chairman Awaits Absent
13. A Game at Midnight, Part 1 Absent
14. A Game at Midnight, Part 2 Absent
15. The Path of Majority Rules Absent
16. Enter the Taskmasters Absent
17. Disparate Choice Absent
18. The Two Aces in the Hole Absent
19. The Trap of Majority Rules Absent
20. Gambling Time Absent
21. Resolution Absent
22. The Last Question Absent
23. Two Enemies Absent
24. Crash Course Absent
25. The Second Day Absent
26. The Night Before the Showdown Absent
27. A Volatile Situation Absent
28. A Huge Favor Absent
29. Killua's Case Absent
30. The Slithering Trap Absent
31. By the Skin of Their Teeth... Absent
32. And the Final Test...? Absent
33. The Final Test Begins! Absent
34. The First Candidate Accepted?! Absent
35. Light and Darkness, Part 1 Absent
36. Light and Darkness, Part 2 Absent
37. Light and Darkness, Part 3 Absent
38. Ging Freecss Absent
39. Intruder Mentioned
40. The Zoldycks, Part 1 Absent
41. The Zoldycks, Part 2 Debut
42. The Zoldycks, Part 3 Appears
43. The Zoldycks, Part 4 Absent
Yorknew City arc
64. Homecoming Absent
65. About Ging Absent
66. The Tape Absent
67. The Flesh Collector's Mansion: Part 1 Absent
68. The Flesh Collector's Mansion: Part 2 Absent
69. Greed Island Absent
70. To Yorknew Absent
71. The Auction Begins!! Absent
72. September 1st: Part 1 Absent
73. September 1st: Part 2 Absent
74. September 1st: Part 3 Absent
75. September 1st: Part 4 Absent
76. September 1st: Part 5 Absent
77. September 1st: Part 6 Absent
78. September 1st: Part 7 Absent
79. September 2nd: Part 1 Absent
80. September 2nd: Part 2 Flashback
81. September 2nd: Part 3 Absent
82. September 2nd: Part 4 Absent
83. September 2nd: Part 5 Absent
84. September 2nd: Part 6 Absent
85. September 3rd: Part 1 Absent
86. September 3rd: Part 2 Absent
87. September 3rd: Part 3 Absent
88. September 3rd: Part 4 Absent
89. September 3rd: Part 5 Absent
90. September 3rd: Part 6 Absent
91. September 3rd: Part 7 Absent
92. September 3rd: Part 8 Absent
93. September 3rd: Part 9 Absent
94. September 3rd: Part 10 Absent
95. September 3rd: Part 11 Absent
96. September 3rd: Part 12 Absent
97. September 3rd: Part 13 Absent
98. September 3rd: Part 14 Absent
99. September 3rd: Part 15 Absent
100. September 3rd: Part 16 Appears
101. September 3rd: Part 17 Absent
102. September 4th: Part 1 Absent
103. September 4th: Part 2 Absent
104. September 4th: Part 3 Absent
105. September 4th: Part 4 Absent
106. September 4th: Part 5 Absent
107. September 4th: Part 6 Absent
108. September 4th: Part 7 Absent
109. September 4th: Part 8 Absent
110. September 4th: Part 9 Absent
111. September 4th: Part 10 Absent
112. September 4th: Part 11 Absent
113. September 4th: Part 12 Absent
114. September 4th: Part 13 Absent
115. September 4th: Part 14 Absent
116. September 4th: Part 15 Appears
117. September 4th: Part 16 Absent
118. September 4th: Part 17 Absent
119. September 4th: Part 18 Absent
Greed Island arc
120. September 6th: Part 1 Absent
121. September 6th: Part 2 Absent
122. September 6th: Part 3 Absent
123. September 6th: Part 4 Absent
124. September 7th: Part 1 to September 10th: Part 1 Absent
125. September 10th: Part 2 Absent
126. September 10th: Part 3 Absent
127. September 10th: Part 4 Absent
128. September 10th: Part 5 Absent
129. Antokiba, Town of Prizes Absent
130. The Reason for the Recruitment Absent
131. The Answer Absent
132. The Forty Spells Absent
133. How to Defend Yourself Without Spells Absent
134. The Island's Secret Absent
135. To Masadora! Part 1 Absent
136. To Masadora! Part 2 Absent
137. To Masadora! Part 3 Absent
138. To Masadora...? Absent
139. Are They Really Going to Masadora? Absent
140. They Got to Masadora, But... Absent
141. They Went to Masadora Already, So I'll Go With a Different Title Now Absent
142. The Bomber Absent
143. Countdown Absent
144. Release Absent
145. Janken Absent
146. Abengane: Part 1 Absent
147. Abengane: Part 2 Absent
148. The Exam Begins Absent
149. Encounter Absent
150. Embarkment Absent
151. Progress Absent
152. Contact Absent
153. Success Absent
154. Common Cause Absent
155. The Captain and His 14 Devils Absent
156. Face-Off: Part 1 Absent
157. Face-Off: Part 2 Absent
158. Two of a Kind +1 Absent
159. Aiai, the City of Love Absent
160. Face-Off: Part 3 Absent
161. Face-Off: Part 4 Absent
162. Face-Off: Part 5 Absent
163. Face-Off: Part 6 Absent
164. Face-Off: Part 7 Absent
165. Face-Off: Part 8 Absent
166. Face-Off: Part 9 Absent
167. Face-Off: Part 10 Absent
168. Face-Off: Part 11 Absent
169. Declaration of War Absent
170. Three-Way Struggle: Part 1 Appears
171. Three-Way Struggle: Part 2 Absent
172. Three-Way Struggle: Part 3 Absent
173. Three-Way Struggle: Part 4 Absent
174. Three-Way Struggle: Part 5 Absent
175. Three-Way Struggle: Part 6 Absent
176. Three-Way Struggle: Part 7 Absent
177. Three-Way Struggle: Part 8 Absent
178. Three-Way Struggle: Part 9 Absent
179. Three-Way Struggle: Part 10 Absent
180. Three-Way Struggle: Part 11 Absent
181. Three-Way Struggle: Part 12 Absent
182. Three-Way Struggle: Part 13 Absent
183. Three-Way Struggle: Part 14 Absent
184. The Choice of Three Cards Absent
185. Chance Encounter Absent
Chimera Ant arc
186. The Queen Absent
187. The Beast Fodder Absent
188. NGL Absent
189. Infiltration Absent
190. The Hunt Absent
191. Pros Absent
192. Human Dog Absent
193. Scissors Absent
194. vs. Hagya's Squad: Part 1 Absent
195. vs. Hagya's Squad: Part 2 Absent
196. vs. Hagya's Squad: Part 3 Absent
197. vs. Hagya's Squad: Part 4 Absent
198. Sudden Attack Absent
199. Light and Shadow Absent
200. Stipulation Absent
201. Reunion Absent
202. Duel Absent
203. Gyro Absent
204. Gyro's Story Absent
205. Time Remaining Absent
206. A Real Fight Absent
207. Weakness: Part 1 Absent
208. Weakness: Part 2 Absent
209. ? Absent
210. Weakness: Part 3 Absent
211. Loan Shark Absent
212. Water Breaking Absent
213. Birth Absent
214. Results Absent
215. Last Words Absent
216. Republic of East Gorteau Absent
217. Meat Orchard Absent
218. Confession Absent
219. Awakening Absent
220. Reunion: Part 1 Absent
221. Reunion: Part 2 Absent
222. Reunion: Part 3 Absent
223. 10: Part 1 Absent
224. 10: Part 2 Appears
225. 10: Part 3 Appears
226. 10: Part 4 Appears
227. 10: Part 5 Appears
228. 10: Part 6 Appears
229. 10: Part 7 Appears
230. 9: Part 1 Absent
231. 9: Part 2 Absent
232. 9: Part 3 Absent
233. 9: Part 4 Absent
234. 9: Part 5 Absent
235. 8: Part 1 Absent
236. 8: Part 2 Absent
237. 8: Part 3 Absent
238. 8: Part 4 Absent
239. 8: Part 5 Absent
240. 8: Part 6 Absent
241. 8: Part 7 Absent
242. 7: Part 1 Absent
243. 7: Part 2 Absent
244. 6: Part 1 Absent
245. 6: Part 2 Absent
246. 6: Part 3 Absent
247. 6: Part 4 Absent
248. 6: Part 5 Absent
249. 6: Part 6 Absent
250. 6: Part 7 Absent
251. 6: Part 8 Absent
252. 6: Part 9 Absent
253. 6: Part 10 Absent
254. 6: Part 11 Absent
255. 5: Part 1 to 2: Part 1 Absent
256. 2: Part 2 Absent
257. 1: Part 1 Absent
258. 1: Part 2 Absent
259. 1: Part 3 Absent
260. 1: Part 4 Absent
261. Charge: Part 1 Absent
262. Charge: Part 2 Absent
263. Charge: Part 3 Absent
264. Charge: Part 4 Absent
265. Charge: Part 5 Absent
266. "In the Unlikely Event Of..." Absent
267. Activation Absent
268. The King Absent
269. Adversity Is a Good Thing Absent
270. Indebted To Absent
271. Separation Absent
272. Error Absent
273. We Meet Again Absent
274. Solution Absent
275. Promise Absent
276. Missileman Absent
277. Insult Absent
278. Destruction Absent
279. Escape Absent
280. Direct Hit Absent
281. Godspeed Absent
282. Sealed Area Absent
283. Determination Absent
284. Fifteen Minutes Absent
285. Doubles Absent
286. Core Absent
287. Present State Absent
288. Accolade Absent
289. Terms Absent
290. Name Absent
291. Soliloquy Absent
292. Hidden Agenda Absent
293. Metamorphosis Absent
294. Breakdown Absent
295. Determination Absent
296. Admission Absent
297. The Last Absent
298. Rose Absent
299. Regeneration Absent
300. Insurance Absent
301. Memory Absent
302. Target Absent
303. Pain Absent
304. Magic Absent
305. Sorry Absent
306. Relief Absent
307. Loss Absent
308. Flash Absent
309. Game Absent
310. Action Absent
311. Deadline Absent
312. Resolve Absent
313. One Word Absent
314. Persuasion Absent
315. Home Absent
316. Real Name Absent
317. Answer Absent
318. Final Will Absent
13th Hunter Chairman Election arc
319. Lottery Absent
320. Voting Pictured
321. Monster Absent
322. Siblings Absent
323. Job Offer Flashback
324. Butler Absent
325. Joining the Fray Absent
326. Open Hostilities Pictured
327. Riddle Absent
328. Arrangements Absent
329. Spy Absent
330. Confession Absent
331. Day of Reckoning Absent
332. Applause Absent
333. Rumble Absent
334. Total Defeat Absent
335. Decision Absent
336. Release Absent
337. Repentance Absent
338. Atop a Tree Absent
339. Stillness Absent
Succession Contest arc
340. Special Mission Absent
341. Threats Absent
342. Challenge Absent
343. Invitation Absent
344. Author Absent
345. Signature Absent
346. Options Absent
347. Inauguration Absent
348. Resolve Absent
349. Worm Toxin Absent
350. Prince Absent
351. Battle to the Death Absent
352. Troublesome Absent
353. Cold-Blooded Absent
354. Heat Absent
355. Detonation Absent
356. Unfortunate: Part 1 Absent
357. Unfortunate: Part 2 Absent
358. Eve Absent
359. Departure Absent
360. Parasite Absent
361. Withdraw Absent
362. Resolve Absent
363. Nen Beast Absent
364. Speculation Absent
365. Choice Absent
366. To Each His Own Absent
367. Synchronization Absent
368. Foul Play Absent
369. Limits Absent
370. Observation Absent
371. Mission Absent
372. Disappearance Absent
373. Inheritance Absent
374. Ability Absent
375. Persuasion Absent
376. Determination Absent
377. Scheme Appears
378. Balance Absent
379. Collaboration Absent
380. Alarm Appears
381. Predation Absent
382. Awakening Absent
383. Escape Absent
384. War Absent
385. Warning Absent
386. Hypothesis Absent
387. Recreation Absent
388. Reflection Absent
389. Curse Absent
390. Clash: Part 1 Absent
391. Clash: Part 2 Absent
392. Information Absent
393. Plea Absent
394. Hypothesis Absent
395. Founding: Part 1 Absent
396. Founding: Part 2 Absent
397. Founding: Part 3 Absent
398. Search Absent
399. Expulsion Absent
400. Secrecy Absent
401. Moonlight Absent
402. Letter Absent
403. Results Absent
404. Speculation Absent
405. Performance Absent
406. Regalia Absent
407. Negotiation Absent
408. Negotiation: Part 2 Absent
409. Negotiation: Part 3 Absent
410. Negotiation: Part 4 Absent


  • Chimera Ant arc:
    • Kalluto vs. Small Beetle[6][19][7]
    • Kalluto, Phinks Magcub, Shalnark, Feitan Portor, Shizuku Murasaki, and Bonolenov Ndongo vs. Disfigured Meteor City Natives[9]


  • (To a Chimera Ant) "My fan is made of paper. But you can't take it lightly. Even normal people can cut a chopstick with a business card..."[19]
  • (To himself) "This is a bad habit. I have to stop toying with my prey..."[7]
  • (To himself, about the Spiders) "What's wrong with these people?! They're total freaks!!"[20]


  • In the official databook, his name is also spelled as "Calltt Zaoldyeck".[1]
  • Kalluto is the youngest person known to have ever joined the Phantom Troupe.
  • There is a relatively common misconception that Kalluto is female. Despite wearing a furisode, typically a traditional dress for Japanese women, Kalluto is a boy:
    • The 2004 databook seems to say that he is a boy with the tidbit: 「将来性豊かな着物少年」 (lit. "A kimono-wearing boy with a lot of prospects.")[1]
    • Mizaistom refers to Kalluto as the fifth son of the Zoldyck Family.[11]
    • The furisode was born in the mid-1500s as a garment for both male and female children of middle- and upper-class families. Only around the 20th century did it become a strictly feminine type of kimono, although gender differences existed before that. Therefore, Kalluto's choice of clothing could be in keeping with his mother's tastes since she was introduced wearing a very outdated (by real-world standards) bustle gown.
    • How the obi (sash) is worn can depend on the wearer's sex where wearing around waist is done by males, while wearing underneath the breasts is done by females.
  • In the The Nightmare of Zaoldyeck, Kalluto was shown to seek Killua's attention, even trying to kill Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio due to their closeness to his brother.
  • The name of Kalluto's Nen ability was changed to Snake Dance in the Viz translation, eliminating the "Bite" part.[19]
  • Kalluto is one of the few Spiders who were not born in Meteor City, the others being Bonolenov, Hisoka and his brother Illumi.
    • Despite this, the narrator of the 2011 anime adaptation counts Kalluto as an inhabitant of Meteor City.[27][28]
  • He is one of the four Spiders that have been confirmed not to have participated in the Kurta Clan massacre, the others being Shizuku, Hisoka (if he counts) and Illumi. In all these cases, its due to the member having joined the Troupe years after the massacre happened.

Anime and Manga Differences

  • In the 2011 anime adaptation, Kalluto's first appearance is when he follows Kikyo to check in on Killua.[29] This scene is not present in the manga; his first appearance there is observing Gon in the bushes as Canary tries to prevent him from entering.[17] In the 2011 anime adaptation, Kalluto has a short exchange with Gon after Canary is knocked out and before Kikyo calls for him, which is not present in the manga.[17]
  • Kalluto distracting the Phantom Troupe[5] was not shown in the 2011 anime adaptation series.
  • Phinks saving Kalluto from Feitan's attack is only shown in the 2011 anime series.[28]

Intertextuality and References


Translations around the World

Language Name
The Arab world Flag Arabic كالوتو زولديك (Kaluto Zoldik)
Brazil Flag Brazilian Portuguese Kalluto Zaoldyeck
China Flag Chinese 柯特•揍敌客/柯特•揍敵客* (Kē tè Zòu dí kè)
柯特•祖迪 (Kē tè Zǔ dí)
嘉路多•左鲁迪古/嘉路多•左魯迪古* (Jiā lù duō Zuǒ lǔ dí gǔ)
France Flag French Karuto Zoldik
South Korea Flag Korean 카르트 조르딕 (Kareuteu Joreudik)
Russia Flag Russian Каллуто Золдик (Kalluto Zoldik)
Spain Flag Spanish Kalluto Zaoldyeck
Thailand Flag Thai คารูโต้ โซลดิ๊ก (Khā rū tô So ldík)


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 Hunter × Hunter Hunter Association Official Issue: Hunter's Guide; Character & World Official Databook (pg. 145)
  2. 2.0 2.1 Exhibition: Togashi Yoshihiro -Puzzle-
  3. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 2, Chapter 13
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 17, Chapter 170
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 13, Chapter 116
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 22, Chapter 225
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 22, Chapter 227
  8. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 12, Chapter 104
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 22, Chapter 229
  10. 10.0 10.1 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 36, Chapter 377
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 36, Chapter 380
  12. 12.0 12.1 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 22, Chapter 224
  13. 13.0 13.1 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 31, Chapter 326
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 11, Chapter 100
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 5, Chapter 42
  16. 16.0 16.1 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 8, Chapter 80
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 5, Chapter 41
  18. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 12, Chapter 115
  19. 19.00 19.01 19.02 19.03 19.04 19.05 19.06 19.07 19.08 19.09 19.10 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 22, Chapter 226
  20. 20.0 20.1 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 22, Chapter 228
  21. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 31, Chapter 321
  22. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 37, Chapter 384
  23. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 37, Chapter 390
  24. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 11, Chapter 98
  25. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 1, Chapter 2
  26. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 5, Chapter 39
  27. Hunter × Hunter - Episode 96 (2011)
  28. 28.0 28.1 Hunter × Hunter - Episode 97 (2011)
  29. Hunter × Hunter - Episode 24 (2011)
  30. Weekly Togashi Empire (1999)

