"If you lose even a little of this resolve and start backsliding, I'll kill you. You can live in peace knowing that." — Kite to Koala in "Repentance" |
Kite (カイト, Kaito) was a Hunter and Ging Freecss' student. After his death, he was reborn as a Chimera Ant. Colt named them Reina (レイナ, Reina), after his late sister, but they took to calling themself Kite once again.
Kite was a tall, slender man in his late twenties or early thirties. In the manga and the 2011 anime adaptation, he was thin to the point of being gaunt, with long, flowing white hair with the longer locks reaching his knees. He had an inverted triangle-shaped face with a hooked nose, a pointy chin, and big, roundish-almond eyes with small hazel irises. He wore a light blue peaked cap resembling a beret, a long-sleeved white shirt with a turtleneck, an azure sash (perhaps an obi) wound three times about his waist, black trousers, and brown shoes.
In the 1999 anime adaptation, he has more handsome traits, with gentler features, thin almond eyes of dark color, brown hair, and a more muscular physique. In this representation, he wears a purple peaked cap, a lilac long-sleeved shirt with a turtleneck, a yellow obi from which hangs a katana with a blue-green hilt and sheath, black trousers, and shoes.
As a Chimera Ant, Kite is a girl with long red hair, purple eyes, and freckles covering her face. They have a rat-like tail and wear a black leather suit and pants.
Kite is stern and stoic, occasionally blunt to the point of appearing rude. Although some may regard them as cold-hearted, they are actually caring, fond of animals as they are of people. However, they never hesitate, not even when they must take a life, as little as they like it: in fact, after saving Gon, they punched him because his ignorance led to the death of a Foxbear.[2]
During their initial introduction as the Queen's latest offspring, Kite was an enthusiastic child, still playing with stuffed toys and swords, and still being watched over by Colt.[3] After only a few days, however, they matured and seemed to return to their former personality as a result of recovering their memories. They then helped both Koala and Gon assuage their feelings of guilt and gave the former a new purpose in life, although he formulated it as a threat.[4]
Kite does not know where he was born.[5] At some point in his life he became Ging Freecss' disciple, an experience which he believes to have saved him from dying in a pestilent alley; he was taught the rudiments of being a Hunter,[2] including Nen.[6] Sometime after his son's birth Ging took Kite to Greed Island and, unbeknownst to him, had Elena rig his contact so that if Gon took an "Accompany" instead of a "Magnetic Force" out of the game, he would be sent to Kite instead.[7]

Kite punches Gon
Kite eventually passed the Hunter Exam; however, Ging was not satisfied and gave Kite one last hurdle: he wanted Kite to catch him.[2] It might be around this time that Kite met Spinner Clow and Stick Dinner and heeded their pleas to save the mountain that was home to the Small-billed Swan, financing its purchase for them.[5]
The lack of clues about Ging's location finally led Kite to Ging's home, Whale Island, where he met an eight-year-old Gon for the first time as he was being attacked by a Foxbear mother protecting its cub. Kite saved Gon by killing the mother and then punched and chastised the boy because his ignorance had forced Kite to take the creature's life. He then tried to put down the Foxbear cub, claiming that it would grow up hating humans and would, therefore, be a danger to them. However, Gon stopped Kite and vowed to raise the cub. Kite then recognized him as Ging's son and informed him that his father did not die in an accident (as he had been told by Mito), but that he was a professional Hunter and also his mentor. Kite then left Ging's Hunter License in the boy's possession before resuming his search for Ging, claiming it to be the most difficult hunt in the world.[2]
Shortly after encountering Gon, Kite succeeded in his task. He then took on a three-year contract documenting unknown species for the Kakin government with his group of friends. Although he discovered the lowest number of species, his discovery of Camp Tigers marked the most important accomplishment of the group.[8]
Hunter Exam arc

Kite meets young Gon
Three years prior to the 287th Hunter Exam, Kite traveled to Whale Island in hopes of getting leads to the whereabouts of his teacher, Ging Freecss. He received a warning call from a squirrel and saved Gon from a Foxbear mother protecting its cub. Kite killed the mother to save the boy, but later chastised Gon for making him kill it, explaining the territorial mark the Foxbear left everywhere in the area. He gave the boy an antiseptic for the wound. He then tried to kill the cub, claiming it would grow up hating humans and would, therefore, be a danger to them. Gon, however, stopped Kite and claimed he wanted to raise the cub on his own.[2]
Upon seeing the determined look on the boy's face, Kite asked if his father's name was Ging. Gon replied positively, and Kite informed him that his father didn't die in an accident, contrary to what Gon's aunt Mito told him. According to Kite, Ging is a professional Hunter and saves Kite from dying, later becoming his mentor. He left Ging's Hunter License in the boy's possession and then left the island to find Ging as a final test—claiming that it is the most difficult hunt in the world.[2]
During the first phase of the Hunter exam, Kite is mentioned when Killua asks Gon why he wants to become a Hunter.[9] Later when the Hunter Exam is over, Kite is mentioned again in a conversation between Gon and Satotz. Satotz shows interest in Kite and asks Gon how to get in touch with him.[10]
Heavens Arena arc
Gon explains that there are things he needs to do before he starts using his Hunter License, like returning to Kite the card that he lost on Whale Island.[11] During his meditation, Gon reminisces about Ging and recalls memories of Kite praising his father.[12]
Yorknew City arc
While on Whale Island, Gon shows Killua the place where he met Kite.[13]
Chimera Ant arc
After Gon completes Greed Island, he uses the "Accompany" card in an attempt to fly to Ging with Killua. However, Gon is redirected to another person due to Ging's trickery: Kite. The trio is later seen eating by a bonfire while telling stories. Kite reveals that he had found Ging.[7]
Kite has been hired by the Kakin Empire to do ecological research as part of a biological survey, leading a team of six youths aspiring to become Hunters.[8] When another expedition team finds an arm belonging to an enlarged Chimera Ant Queen washed up onto the shore, Kite's group sets out to find the origin source.[14] He reasons that the animal probably ended up in the Neo-Green Life (NGL) Autonomous State and enters the region with Gon and Killua in order to suppress the dangerous creature.[15]
Upon arriving at NGL, only he, Gon, Killua, Stick Dinner, and Podungo Lapoy are able to advance because of the country's strict rules. Shortly after, the team receives a message from Ponzu—already in NGL with Pokkle.[16] On their way to help, they are too late to save Ponzu. After following the trails of dead bodies, they meet Rammot. Kite uses this chance to test the boys and see if they could defeat a Chimera Ant.[17]

Kite kills Yunju
The group soon discovers a narcotics factory in the country, formerly producing weapons and the drug 'D²'. There they encounter Yunju and his team. Knowing that Yunju is the leader, Kite is the one who faces him while the boys take on Yunju's subordinates.[18] Kite effortlessly fights him[19] until he finally uses his Crazy Slots ability. The roll is 4, which produces a carbine. He shoots Yunju in the head, killing him. He later clarifies that the best way to kill Chimera Ants is to aim for the head and do it as quickly and silently as possible.[20]

Kite defeats Hagya's entire division in one blow of his scythe
Yunju's death is immediately discovered by the ants so the trio becomes targets of the Hagya Division. On their way to the nest, they are blocked by a huge number of Chimera Ants led by Frog.[21] They are given options by the officer and they choose to fight the Ants one by one.[22] After Gon and Killua defeat their opponents, Kite faces Frog and activates his Nen ability. The roll is 2 and the roulette turns into a scythe. Using his scythe's ability, Kite defeats the entire division in one blow.[23]

Neferpitou with Kite's head
When they get closer to the nest, Kite touches Neferpitou's En to feel their strength.[24] Sensing him, the Ant appears, cutting off Kite's right arm while he screams to Gon and Killua to get away. Knowing that they would only be a hindrance to him, Killua knocks out Gon and retreats, taking his friend with him. Kite uses his Nen ability to conjure a mace-like weapon to buy some time for them to escape.[25] Unable to stand up to the Chimera Ant's strength, Kite is killed by Neferpitou.[26]
Since Neferpitou enjoyed their fight with Kite, they kept the body instead of feeding it to the Queen. Soon after, his body is reanimated[27] and used as a training dummy for new Ant recruits. Knuckle and Shoot manages to capture him afterward and bring him before Gon. After taking some blows from Kite, Gon hugs him and vows to get Neferpitou so he can save him.[28]

Kite is born to the Chimera Ant Queen
Unknown to Meruem and the three Royal Guards, there is another Ant within the Queen after Mereum’s birth. After finding the child in the Queen's remains, Colt, a division commander extremely loyal to the Queen, swears to protect the child at all costs.[29] Colt then raises him as a normal human being so that both of them are granted protection by Morel. Kite appears to grow rapidly, and by the end of the Chimera Ant crisis, he already appears to be a young girl in early childhood.[30] Kite is briefly mentioned by Morel in an explanation of Neferpitou's En. What caused his demise as a human was he was unfortunate enough to touch their En.[31]
13th Hunter Chairman Election arc

Little Kite with Colt
The Hunter Association has classified Kite and Colt as magical beasts to keep them from being hunted down. It is revealed that the apparent young girl has all of Kite's memories.[3] Ging Freecss hypothesizes that Kite's survival has something to do with their ability Crazy Slots; whereby there is a number that will only appear when Kite has a strong will to survive and does not wish to die.[6]

Koala confesses to Kite
When they next appear, Kite looks older and talks with Koala. After listening to his story, they propose to him to stay by their side forever, to atone for his sins in his life as a human and as a Chimera Ant. Then, Gon appears and apologizes to Kite for Neferpitou's incident, and says that they both need more training and that he will protect them, fighting by their side next time. Both of them smile and Kite says that they are delighted that Gon came to see them and that he should go after Ging, assuring him that when they will need help, they will contact him and Killua. They say goodbye to each other, and Gon goes to find Ging.[4]

Observing the Small-billed Swans
Kite is then seen again with Gon, Koala, and his companions, watching a flock of Small-billed Swans.[32]
Gender Ambiguity
After Kite's revival as a Chimera Ant, it is uncertain what exactly Kite's current perception of himself as well as his gender identity.
- Prior to recovering their memories, Kite uses atachi (あたち),[3] the baby talk version of the informal feminine pronoun atashi (あたし). This pronoun recurs in Kite's conversation with Koala.[4]
- If the pronoun is not interpreted as baby talk, it is still most probably feminine, "-tachi" (たち) being an informal suffix attached to names to indicate that person and the group (s)he is with. This could be a neologism created by the author since such a word is phonetically very similar to atashi (あたし).
- When speaking with Gon, just moments after the conversation with Koala, Kite uses the masculine "ore" (オレ).[4][33]
It is possible (and rather likely) that Kite chose what pronoun to refer to themself based on the person they were speaking to, as the two individuals came to apologize to different aspects of Kite that now make up their current self: Koala came to apologize to the girl he had killed whose form (or a similar one) is now possessed by Kite's reincarnation, while Gon arrived to apologize to Kite as he had known him. As for Kite utilizing a feminine pronoun prior to meeting with Koala, it may or may not be due to their not having fully recovered their memories at that point in time.
Since no definitive conclusion can be drawn, this article maintains the usage of gender-neutral pronouns "they/their/them" to refer to the post-reincarnation Kite, while masculine pronouns are maintained in sections referring exclusively to the pre-reincarnation Kite.

Kite's tachi
Tachi: When he first met Gon, Kite used a long, slightly curved katana as his primary weapon. It has a black scabbard and a matching hilt without a tsuba. He carried it by hanging it to his left shoulder through a piece of thread attached to the koiguchi (scabbard mouth). He used it to kill the foxbear that was attacking Gon.[2]
Abilities & Powers
Kite has all the benefits granted by his status as a Hunter. He is well-liked by animals, a trait that according to Ging identifies a good Hunter.[34] In the few years after passing the exam, he discovered 68 new species.[8] One of his most impressive accomplishments, however, remains to be tracking down his master, the elusive Ging Freecss.[7] His competency allowed him to mentor the group of amateur Hunters[8] as well as lead rookie Hunters like Gon and Killua.[17] While they were in NGL, Killua observed that he and Gon together were weaker than a one-armed Kite.[25] Kite could defeat high-ranked Chimera Ants, organisms he had never met before, without trouble, even managing to inflict a few superficial wounds to the newborn Neferpitou with only one arm, albeit at the cost of his life.[26] When he was revived as a corpse, Shoot and Knuckle had to cooperate to take him out and regarded him as a tough adversary.[28]
It is unknown to what extent Kite's abilities have changed after their rebirth.
Enhanced Strength: Kite can swing his weapons with a single hand and no effort. In his first appearance, he bisected an adult Foxbear with only a one-handed slash.[2]
Immense Speed and Reflexes: Kite can match Gon and Killua in terms of running speed.[16] Furthermore, he moved so fast that Rammot, who easily kept up with the boys, could not track his movements.[17] Although it should be noted that Gon is a slow starter[23] and Killua still had Illumi's needle planted in his brain at the time. He was also able to kill Yunju, a Squadron Leader, in the few seconds Gon needed to charge his Jajanken.[20] On more than one occasion, Kite has been shown to be able to move his left arm so fast, and gracefully it leaves two afterimages.[17][25] Since he does this in preparation for a fight, it is likely this is a sort of battle stance, implying he might have learned some martial art.
Enhanced Stamina: Kite can cover long distances running alongside Gon and Killua without tiring.[16] A true testament to his endurance is given by the fact that he was able to fight the monstrously powerful Neferpitou[26] after the shock and blood loss resulting from having his right arm cut off.[25]
Immense Endurance: Kite withstood having his arm ripped off[25] and still continued fighting, even inflicting a few wounds on a newborn Neferpitou.[26]
Keen Intellect: Kite is able to accurately assess the risks of a mission, and come up with countermeasures to cope with dire situations.[16] He seems particularly knowledgeable about biology, enough to convince a corporation to enlist him to do an important biological survey in Kakin.[8]
Proficient Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Although he seems to prefer to rely on his weapons, Kite is hinted to be rather capable of fighting with his bare hands. In the anime, he single-handedly redirected Yunju's attacks and landed a high kick on his face.[19] When his corpse was under the effect of Neferpitou's ability, he was unable to use Nen, but Shoot still commented he had a hard time defeating him and that he was dangerous nonetheless.[28]
Master Weapon Specialist: Having chosen an ability that forces him to use a random weapon, it can be inferred that Kite is extremely adaptable: he can wield blunt weapons,[25] firearms,[20] and swords[2] with dexterity, although he does seem to prefer some weapons over others: for example, he has a strong distaste for the scythe.[23] When he carried a katana, he wielded it with one hand.[2]
Kite is a Conjurer with dual affinity toward Transmutation.[1] Since he was trained in Nen by Ging Freecss,[6] one of the very best Nen users in the world,[35] it can be assumed that Kite is very competent in this field. He is known to have a powerful aura.[16] His En has a radius of about 45 meters (approx. 150′), with fluctuations of 2 or 3 meters (approx. 7-10′) depending on his physical and mental condition. He seems to be able to mask it with In, as Gon and Killua were unable to notice he was using the technique.[18] He mentions conditions for using his abilities: he cannot choose the weapon given and that the one summoned must be used before it may disappear. This is assumed to be his own set of conditions for strengthening the summoned weapons the same way that Kurapika did to strengthen his chains.
Kite lost their Nen abilities after their rebirth.[1] However, it's unconfirmed if this changed their Aura Type, if their abilities can be relearned, or if they are even capable of using Nen at all.
Kite's Nen Type: Conjuration | ||
Crazy Slots (気狂いピエロ Mad Clown)[21] | ||
Kite's Nen ability is called Crazy Slots and allows him to conjure some weapons with a Nen Beast clown affixed to it. A roulette appears on the clown's tongue with numbers 1 to 9, each corresponding to a specific weapon. Whatever number randomly appears, the weapon that corresponds to that number is conjured, which means that Kite cannot choose what weapon to summon. He included this restriction to increase the power of the individual weapons. The weapon drawn will not disappear until used. The clown on Crazy Slots can also talk and comment on Kite's actions and conditions, usually to his chagrin.[21] Only three of his weapons are shown in the manga: a scythe,[23] a carbine,[20] and a mace.[25] According to Ging, the Crazy Slots ability has a number that only comes up when Kite desperately does not want to die. Its power is so great that Kite managed to reincarnate as the Queen's daughter after his death.[6] | ||
Type: Conjuration | Number 2: Scythe* | |
Kite conjures a very sharp and enormous scythe. It cannot be dispelled until Kite uses Silent Waltz, which is also the only way the scythe can be utilized.[23]
| ||
Type: Conjuration | Number 3: Mace* | |
Kite conjures a clown-like mace or a stick, which he seems to wield the weapon with a reverse grip. The true orientation and function of this weapon is still largely unknown. The clown, however, refers to it as a "good number".[25] | ||
Type: Conjuration | Number 4: Carbine* | |
Kite conjures a carbine with its shape similar to a long-barreled handgun combined with an extremely long buttstock. It can shoot powerful bullets in quick succession and seemingly without making any noise.[20] Regarding the "long-barreled" element described above, alternatively, the front part/piece of the weapon is similar to and could be a type of suppressor (even being distinctively colored in the anime),[19] which would explain the lack or reduced amount of noise. |
Manga Appearances
44. The Heavens Arena | Mentioned |
45. "Ren" | Absent |
46. "Nen" | Absent |
47. The Invisible Wall | Absent |
48. Hisoka's Terms | Absent |
49. The Battle Begins!! | Absent |
50. "Zetsu" | Absent |
51. "Ten" | Flashback |
52. Kastro | Absent |
53. Double | Absent |
54. Cause of Defeat | Absent |
55. As for Hisoka... | Absent |
56. Training Resumes | Absent |
57. Promise | Absent |
58. Rematch | Absent |
59. Making the Grade | Absent |
60. Passing the Exam | Absent |
61. Showdown | Absent |
62. Like You Mean It | Absent |
63. Next | Absent |
186. The Queen | Appears |
187. The Beast Fodder | Appears |
188. NGL | Appears |
189. Infiltration | Appears |
190. The Hunt | Appears |
191. Pros | Appears |
192. Human Dog | Appears |
193. Scissors | Appears |
194. vs. Hagya's Squad: Part 1 | Appears |
195. vs. Hagya's Squad: Part 2 | Appears |
196. vs. Hagya's Squad: Part 3 | Appears |
197. vs. Hagya's Squad: Part 4 | Appears |
198. Sudden Attack | Appears |
199. Light and Shadow | Corpse |
200. Stipulation | Corpse |
201. Reunion | Flashback |
202. Duel | Absent |
203. Gyro | Flashback |
204. Gyro's Story | Absent |
205. Time Remaining | Mentioned |
206. A Real Fight | Corpse |
207. Weakness: Part 1 | Absent |
208. Weakness: Part 2 | Absent |
209. ? | Absent |
210. Weakness: Part 3 | Absent |
211. Loan Shark | Absent |
212. Water Breaking | Absent |
213. Birth | Mentioned |
214. Results | Mentioned |
215. Last Words | Appears |
216. Republic of East Gorteau | Flashback |
217. Meat Orchard | Mentioned |
218. Confession | Mentioned |
219. Awakening | Absent |
220. Reunion: Part 1 | Mentioned |
221. Reunion: Part 2 | Absent |
222. Reunion: Part 3 | Corpse |
223. 10: Part 1 | Flashback |
224. 10: Part 2 | Absent |
225. 10: Part 3 | Absent |
226. 10: Part 4 | Absent |
227. 10: Part 5 | Absent |
228. 10: Part 6 | Absent |
229. 10: Part 7 | Absent |
230. 9: Part 1 | Flashback |
231. 9: Part 2 | Absent |
232. 9: Part 3 | Absent |
233. 9: Part 4 | Absent |
234. 9: Part 5 | Absent |
235. 8: Part 1 | Absent |
236. 8: Part 2 | Absent |
237. 8: Part 3 | Absent |
238. 8: Part 4 | Absent |
239. 8: Part 5 | Absent |
240. 8: Part 6 | Absent |
241. 8: Part 7 | Absent |
242. 7: Part 1 | Absent |
243. 7: Part 2 | Absent |
244. 6: Part 1 | Absent |
245. 6: Part 2 | Absent |
246. 6: Part 3 | Absent |
247. 6: Part 4 | Absent |
248. 6: Part 5 | Absent |
249. 6: Part 6 | Absent |
250. 6: Part 7 | Absent |
251. 6: Part 8 | Absent |
252. 6: Part 9 | Mentioned |
253. 6: Part 10 | Absent |
254. 6: Part 11 | Absent |
255. 5: Part 1 to 2: Part 1 | Absent |
256. 2: Part 2 | Absent |
257. 1: Part 1 | Absent |
258. 1: Part 2 | Appears |
259. 1: Part 3 | Mentioned |
260. 1: Part 4 | Mentioned |
261. Charge: Part 1 | Absent |
262. Charge: Part 2 | Flashback |
263. Charge: Part 3 | Absent |
264. Charge: Part 4 | Absent |
265. Charge: Part 5 | Absent |
266. "In the Unlikely Event Of..." | Absent |
267. Activation | Mentioned |
268. The King | Absent |
269. Adversity Is a Good Thing | Absent |
270. Indebted To | Absent |
271. Separation | Absent |
272. Error | Absent |
273. We Meet Again | Mentioned |
274. Solution | Pictured |
275. Promise | Corpse |
276. Missileman | Absent |
277. Insult | Absent |
278. Destruction | Absent |
279. Escape | Absent |
280. Direct Hit | Absent |
281. Godspeed | Absent |
282. Sealed Area | Absent |
283. Determination | Absent |
284. Fifteen Minutes | Absent |
285. Doubles | Absent |
286. Core | Mentioned |
287. Present State | Absent |
288. Accolade | Absent |
289. Terms | Absent |
290. Name | Absent |
291. Soliloquy | Absent |
292. Hidden Agenda | Absent |
293. Metamorphosis | Absent |
294. Breakdown | Mentioned |
295. Determination | Flashback |
296. Admission | Absent |
297. The Last | Absent |
298. Rose | Absent |
299. Regeneration | Absent |
300. Insurance | Mentioned |
301. Memory | Absent |
302. Target | Corpse |
303. Pain | Absent |
304. Magic | Corpse |
305. Sorry | Corpse |
306. Relief | Corpse |
307. Loss | Mentioned |
308. Flash | Absent |
309. Game | Absent |
310. Action | Absent |
311. Deadline | Absent |
312. Resolve | Absent |
313. One Word | Absent |
314. Persuasion | Absent |
315. Home | Absent |
316. Real Name | Appears |
317. Answer | Absent |
318. Final Will | Absent |
319. Lottery | Absent |
320. Voting | Mentioned |
321. Monster | Mentioned |
322. Siblings | Absent |
323. Job Offer | Mentioned |
324. Butler | Mentioned |
325. Joining the Fray | Mentioned |
326. Open Hostilities | Absent |
327. Riddle | Absent |
328. Arrangements | Absent |
329. Spy | Absent |
330. Confession | Absent |
331. Day of Reckoning | Absent |
332. Applause | Flashback |
333. Rumble | Absent |
334. Total Defeat | Absent |
335. Decision | Mentioned |
336. Release | Absent |
337. Repentance | Appears |
338. Atop a Tree | Mentioned |
339. Stillness | Appears |
Battles |
- (To Gon) "I'm Kite. I'm a Hunter. I'm a disciple of Ging's."[2]
- (To Gon) "Ging taught me hunting from the beginning. The last test he imposed on me is to find him. And this is much harder than any other hunt!"[2]
- (To Gon) "All good Hunters get along well with animals."[2]
- (To himself) "He'll find you soon, Ging. Gon's the real thing. Real Hunters are well-liked by animals. And they're blessed with good friends."[8]
- (To Gon and Killua) "My instincts tell me that it's here."[36]
- (To himself) "NGL and Chimera Ants... this is the worst combination imaginable. This could turn out to be a biological hazard of unprecedented proportions!"[16]
- (To Gon and Killua) "During these fights, I can't keep looking out for you. If you can't beat him, you'd better go back. Or you'd be just a hindrance."[17]
- (To Gon and Killua) "If you want to become an exceptional Hunter, this is the ideal training ground. But from here on it's going to be hell, whether we win or lose."[17]
- (To Gon) "Don't turn your eyes. If they throw or shoot something at you, you won't be able to react to it."[18]
- (To Gon and Killua) "If you aren't satisfied, then all the more reason to become stronger."[21]
- (To himself) "Why am I getting such a bad feeling about this? As if I've left something out... an uneasiness I can't seem to shake."[23]
- (To himself) "But that's exactly what worries me. What if we encounter some of them who do care about their comrades? What will you do then?"[23]
- (To Colt) "No, not it! My name isn't Reina! My name is Kite!"[3]
- (To Koala) "Who would allow you to kill yourself and reset? Keep living apologizing to me every day."[4]
- Kite is the first character to be shown in the manga.
- In one of Hunter × Hunter's card collections, the character is also alternatively named as "Kcyytt".[37]
- Kite did not play the Greed Island game properly, but he reveals that Ging took him inside the game once.[7]
- His in-game nickname was probably "Ngig" (NIGG).[7]
- After entering NGL, Kite appears to wear the same outfit as before,[36] possibly suggesting that it was already made out entirely of natural fibers.
- There is a running gag when Kite uses his Crazy Slots ability in which he always complains he got a "bad spin". Despite this, he usually gets a very good weapon for the situation at hand.
- Kite is currently the only known Chimera Ant who both remembers their past life and is of a different biological sex to their past self.
- They are also the only Chimera Ant to show evident signs of growth.
- The exact mechanics of Kite's rebirth are unknown. If the soul exists as a physical or at least paranormal entity in the universe of the series, as Koala may have implied,[4] it is possible that Crazy Slots caused it to occupy the body of a gestating Chimera Ant.
- According to the "Hunter × Hunter Manual" section found in the Yu ☆ Yu ☆ Hakusho official character book (Shueisha Jump remix),* Kite's stats are:
Story Arcs | Mind | Skill | Body | Nen | Ingenuity | Intelligence |
Hunter Exam arc | 3/5 | 4/5 | 4/5 | 3/5 | 2/5 | 4/5 |
Chimera Ant arc | 4/5 | 4/5 | 4/5 | 4/5 | 3/5 | 4/5 |
Anime and Manga Differences
- In the manga and the 1999 anime adaptation, Kite told Gon that his father is alive and inspired him to become a Hunter.[38]
- Kite is depicted killing the Foxbear that attacked Gon in different ways. In the 1999 version, he stabbed the Foxbear, but in the 2011 version, he sliced the beast in half.[34]
- This is the time where Kite finds out that the boy he saved is Ging's son. Ging praises him when he hits Gon in the face because it is common sense that foxbears should be avoided when they raise their cub.[34]
- Kite's backstory is shown only in the 2011 anime adaptation. He was shown to make a living by stealing from people. In the sewers, he lived on his own and was helped by animals to steal food. One day, after stealing some bread, he found Ging, who has already befriended his animals. Ging said that Kite had potential, so Kite forced Ging to make him his student. Kite eventually developed his Nen, and Ging taught him how to hunt.[34]

Kite fires at a Chimera Ants' nest to save Gon and Killua
- There was an additional scene in the 2011 anime adaptation when Kite was reunited with Gon. Kite saves Gon and Killua from a nest of normal Chimera Ants that the boys were standing on top of, as they could get killed anytime if he didn't use his ability.[34]
Intertextuality and References
- In a 1999 doujinshi titled "Weekly Togashi Empire" (週刊冨樫帝国, Shūkan Togashi Teikoku), Togashi revealed that Kite was based on the character of Snufkin from the Moomin novel series, written and illustrated by Tove Jansson.[39]
- In his human form Kite bore facial similarities to YuYu Hakusho character, Raizen.
- In chapter 18 of the Me & Roboco manga, a character named Madoka speaks a parodied quote by Kite.
- Aside from having the exact same voice actor in the 2011 anime adaptation, there are a couple of instances that are parallel to One Piece character Red Haired Shanks.
- Both characters acted as mentors towards the main characters and both characters lost one of their arms to protect the main characters from certain danger.
- In the first character popularity poll, Kite placed 10th with 243 votes.
- In the third character popularity poll, Kite placed 4th with 1,511 votes.
- Kite's Crazy Slots is voiced by Kōichi Sakaguchi and dubbed by the voice actor Bill Rogers in the English version.
Translations around the World
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Exhibition: Togashi Yoshihiro -Puzzle-
- ↑ 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 1, Chapter 1
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 30, Chapter 316
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 32, Chapter 337
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 21, Chapter 216
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 32, Chapter 335
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 18, Chapter 185
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 18, Chapter 186
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter - Volume 1, Chapter 7
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter - Volume 5, Chapter 38
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter - Volume 5, Chapter 44
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter - Volume 6, Chapter 51
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter - Volume 8, Chapter 64
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter - Volume 18, Chapter 187
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter - Volume 19, Chapter 188
- ↑ 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 19, Chapter 190
- ↑ 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 17.5 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 19, Chapter 191
- ↑ 18.0 18.1 18.2 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 19, Chapter 192
- ↑ 19.0 19.1 19.2 Hunter × Hunter - Episode 82 (2011)
- ↑ 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 20.4 20.5 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 19, Chapter 193
- ↑ 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 19, Chapter 194
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter - Volume 19, Chapter 195
- ↑ 23.0 23.1 23.2 23.3 23.4 23.5 23.6 23.7 23.8 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 19, Chapter 196
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter - Volume 24, Chapter 259
- ↑ 25.0 25.1 25.2 25.3 25.4 25.5 25.6 25.7 25.8 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 19, Chapter 198
- ↑ 26.0 26.1 26.2 26.3 26.4 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 19, Chapter 199
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter - Volume 20, Chapter 200
- ↑ 28.0 28.1 28.2 28.3 28.4 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 21, Chapter 222
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter - Volume 21, Chapter 215
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter - Volume 24, Chapter 258
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter - Volume 24, Chapter 259
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter - Volume 32, Chapter 339
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter - Episode 51 (2011)
- ↑ 34.0 34.1 34.2 34.3 34.4 Hunter × Hunter - Episode 76 (2011)
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter - Volume 14, Chapter 138
- ↑ 36.0 36.1 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 19, Chapter 189
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter Jumbo Carddass Series (ハンター×ハンター ジャンボカードダス シリーズ) [Bandai, 1999]
- ↑ Hunter × Hunter - Episode 01 (1999)
- ↑ Weekly Togashi Empire (1999)