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"Who am I? Why am I here? A king with no name. A borrowed castle. My subjects are mindless drones. If this is the mandate of Heaven I have been given... I fear... I fear nothing... except the tedium that it will bring!!!"

— Meruem in "Charge: Part 1"

Meruem (メルエム, Meruemu) was the most powerful offspring of the Chimera Ant Queen. He was known as the "King" ((おう), Ō) of the Chimera Ants,[2] and served as the main antagonist of the Chimera Ant arc.


Meruem 2011 Design

Meruem's 2011 anime adaptation design

Meruem had a rather humanoid build for an Ant. He was muscular and toned, despite his relatively small frame as compared to his servants. He had two long antennae on his ears resembling long earlobes and a large shell-like armor over his head that resembled a helmet. Meruem's tail, the scorpion's tail, an organic extension of his body, is a formidable weapon. The venomous needle, located at the end of the tail and adorned with dark green and black rings, could inflict mortal wounds. Emerging from Meruem's back, a jointed tail extended vertically, culminating in a sharp needle that resembled a scorpion's stinger. The tail, covered in alternating dark green and black rings, gave it an elegant and lethal appearance. Dark pigmented areas were on his arms, legs, chest, and head. Meruem was always barefoot. His powerful tail, equipped with a stinger, served as his weapon.


91 - Meruem's cruel nature

Meruem shows his cruel nature right after birth

Meruem was initially a heartless warrior, respecting people only through their abilities to endure combat with him, but would eventually grow to be a kind and compassionate pacifist, valuing time spent with those he cared for over even his pride. Throughout the arc, Meruem struggles and displays signs of humanity in contrast to his biological birth as a Chimera Ant.

Meruem was born a cruel and violent leader. The Queen's intention to give birth to a perfect offspring was reflected in Meruem's haughty mentality. Within the womb, he would disregard his mother's concern for his development and tear through her abdomen, forcing his own birth. He felt no concern for his dying mother or other ants, killing and cannibalizing several Chimera Ants who had chosen to attend to the Queen's injuries instead of attending to him.[2][3] Neferpitou would be the first person to gain Meruem's attack, after being able to withstand an attack that Meruem intended to kill with without defending themself. He showed no empathy towards humans and viewed them as nothing other than a food source, killing and devouring a child not long after his birth.[4]

Meruem would eventually gain some respect for a human girl named Komugi, which subsequently evolved into deep care for her. With this change in heart, Meruem started to question the differences between Ants and mankind and battled with his identity as half-human and half-insect, questioning the nature of violence and strength as true power. After his interactions with Komugi and his fight against Netero, Meruem began to see humans as incredible beings with immense potential through their tenacity in breaking their own limits. He showed great respect and complete admiration for Netero, viewing his abilities and fighting style as truly magnificent, and constantly praised him throughout their battle, referring him as a rare example of a human who has transcended his limitations and the very pinnacle of human capabilities. Because of this change in perspective, Meruem no longer considered farming humans for food and instead suggested the co-existence of humans and Ants, with humans being selected and controlled for quality.

Meruem Komugi 108

Meruem begins to care for Komugi

Meruem's defining traits were his pride and self-confidence. From his birth to his death, Meruem exhibited strong confidence in himself and conviction in his actions. He insisted on proving his intellectual capabilities to himself by defeating the champions of various boardgames at their own games shortly after learning their rules. However, after losing several games of against Komugi, he displayed his first sign of human emotion, trying to scare and distract her during a game of Gungi by threatening to tear her arm off if she lost. Komugi would manage to exceed his expectations and respond with such respect for him and the game that Meruem would tear off his own arm in apology for his impudence and disrespect towards her and the game.

He viewed certain concepts of human society as absurd. Such examples were when Shaiapouf explained how certain people could become rulers through connections or bloodlines instead of power, something which Meruem viewed as defying all-natural logic. When he gained an understanding of the unfairness of human society, where children starve while pathetic weaklings have everything they need, he wanted to destroy this madness and create a new world where the concept of inequality would be completely forgotten. Furthermore, he came to believe the true purpose of power is to protect the weak who deserve to live, not to torment the defeated.

He was quite adept and learned things at an astonishing rate, being capable of mastering any form seen of board games in just ten matches and defeated world champions with ease. After a brief loss of memory he seemed to become much more respectful and closer to his subordinates after being fed a part of them when he was dying, as he could feel things they can feel, and tell easily if they were hiding something or not from him; at the same time he could sense their loyalty to him, causing him to put their loyalty to the test before considering to punish them, even more so if they answered truthfully despite doing so may inquire admitting to a miscalculation. The sense of loyalty he felt from them was strong enough for Meruem that it prevented him from killing both Pouf and Youpi for lying to him, despite previously telling them not to lie to him.

126 - Meruem's Fear

Meruem becomes fearful after Netero commits suicide to detonate the Miniature Rose

Despite his extreme arrogance and superiority complex, he felt fear for the first time as Netero prepared to detonate the Poor Man's Rose and unleashed a frighteningly malevolent aura and supreme confidence despite being on the verge of death. Moments before he succumbed to the poison, he admitted to Palm Siberia that humanity had won and he was willing to accept his defeat. His desire to fulfill his last wish was so strong that he was willing to kneel before Palm.


Like Menthuthuyoupi[5] and seemingly the other two Royal Guards, Meruem appears to have no recollections from a life preceding his birth as the Chimera Ant King. He was the second to last ant borne by the Queen, who personally named him and doted on him like no other member of her offspring.[6]


Chimera Ant arc[]

Meruem's birth

Meruem's birth

Within the womb of the Queen, Meruem insists on being born prematurely and tears through the Queen's abdomen, forcing his birth and causing the Queen to begin bleeding to death.[7] He immediately demands food from the Squadron Leaders present, casually killing Peggy who had chosen to attend to the dying Queen instead of provide him food. Meruem repeats his demand for food and expresses disgust for the filthiness of the room, demanding to be shown a bigger and brighter space. Meruem then orders Colt to wipe the blood off his tail, but Turtle volunteers instead, pulling out a handkerchief, and is killed by Meruem for acting on his own volition. He repeats his command, and Colt cleans his tail. The Royal Guards arrive and pledge their loyalty to him, then offer to guide him where his meal has been prepared. Unimpressed, Meruem scoffs and follows them. When Neferpitou tells him they are going to the roof, Meruem punches a hole in the wall of the nest and slingshots himself to the top with his tail. However, the food is not to his liking. Neferpitou states they do not use any seasonings, but Meruem replies that it is not the problem. Neferpitou understands he is referring to the rares. The Royal Guards thus escort the King away from the nest, with Meruem being carried by Shaiapouf.[2]

HxH2011 EP91 Meruem Kills Peggy

Meruem showing his ruthless nature by killing Peggy

91 - Meruem attacks Pitou

Meruem punishes Neferpitou

Before leaving, he devours Peggy and Turtle but finds them distasteful. Spotting a family of three in a field, he drops to the ground and kills the parents, marveling at their lack of resistance. Their taste does not satisfy him, so, when Neferpitou informs him the most delicious part of a human is the brain, he stabs the crying child with his tail. He proceeds to eat her brain, but despite claiming the taste is better than before, he still does not consider it worth eating compared to the rares. Neferpitou tries suggesting using Gyo to spot humans with a large amount of aura around their bodies, but Meruem, interpreting the explanation as an act of disrespect, cuts them off by hitting them with his tail. He claims he enjoys not knowing how delicious his prey is until he tastes it, and adds that his hunger has been appeased. He then commends Neferpitou for their strength as he attacked them with the intent to kill them.[3]

Meruem arrives at Kakin

Meruem enters the Royal Palace

The King then has Menthuthuyoupi fly him. They leave NGL and enter the Republic of East Gorteau. Upon arriving at the Royal Palace, Meruem swiftly eliminates the soldiers stationed there and advances towards the throne room. When the four encounter a Nen-using soldier, Meruem claims he can feel his aura without focusing his eyes and, excited, declares he is a rare.[4] Meruem effortlessly kills the soldier and, ecstatic, eats him, relishing in the aura surging inside of him. This leads Neferpitou to realize the King becomes stronger by consuming rare prey. They enter the throne room, where they encounter the dictator of East Gorteau, Ming Jol-ik, who threatens them. Disappointed and surprised he cannot feel any power from him, Meruem regards the human custom of being ruled by incompetents as a sign of idiocy, and plans to keep them on a short leash. He then easily kills the shouting dictator, mocking his weakness, and lets Neferpitou reassemble his corpse. The dancers that were entertaining Ming plead for their lives, but Meruem laughs mockingly and asks them if they listen to the cries of cattle and swine before slaughtering them. He then goes to the balcony, appreciating the view of the inner courtyard, which he intends to turn into a meat orchard where to store humans.[8]

By having Neferpitou manipulate Ming's corpse, Meruem orders the citizens of East Gorteau to gather in the capital, within ten days for a three-day-long national rally. His aim is to carry out the Selection, which consists in brutally awakening the population to Nen so as to turn the survivors in high-quality food and Nen-using soldiers before proceeding with the next step, Unification: world conquest.[9] Contrary to the expectations of the Extermination Team, Neferpitou begins the Selection before all citizens are gathered in Peijin, starting from the country's western border and working their way eastwards.[10] The Royal Guards manage to gather humans and place them into cocoons[11] before someone begins to disrupt the Selection; to shut him down, the Chimera Ants have Ming Jol-ik appear on television again and declare the institution of martial law.[12] However, the remote Sorting comes to a complete stop when two more enemies appear and surround the capital.[13]

102 - Meruem studying

Meruem studying a rule book

The King, however, does not care, engrossed as he is in playing strategy board games to hone his tactical prowess, to the point he forgoes meals.[11] He begins with chess,[14] then, seven days before the rally, he defeats the national shogi champion. He enquires why his opponent did not surrender since the game had been decided 22 moves before the checkmate. When he does not reply, Meruem tears off his ear and repeats his question, asking if he believed he would make a mistake. The terrorized champion tries to escape, but Meruem kills him. He then begins to read the rules of Go while Menthuthuyoupi orders the screaming and kicking national champion into the room. The King orders him to be silent and to choose between playing and dying right away.[13] After only ten games, Meruem beats the Go champion, who laments he was tired and becoming ill. Meruem gives him eight hours to rest and medicine and dismisses him. Shaiapouf praises his progress, as he mastered Go in less than half the time he did shogi. Meruem responds it is simply a matter of learning the rules, finding the opponent's rhythm, and disrupting it.[14]

Meruem and Komugi playing Gungi

Meruem and Komugi playing Gungi

The next game the Royal Guard introduces him to is Gungi. He adds that all the world champions of the game have been from East Gorteau, causing the King to remark that if he wins, he will be the best in the world, a conclusion to the diversion offered by board games he deems fitting. He is surprised to see the Gungi champion is a blind girl. When Komugi clumsily introduces herself, he orders her to be silent so he can learn the rules of the game. She observes his voice is different from Ming's, to which he responds the dictator is dead and he has replaced him. He cuts off her apology, threatening to kill her should she open her mouth again. This causes Komugi to shut it and, since her nose is stuffed, she passes out from being unable to breathe. The King notices she is unconscious after finishing the rule book and asks Shaiapouf for an explanation, later commenting dimwits of her level are rare. She recovers and begins to apologize, but he orders her to play.[14]

As she focuses on the board, she opens her eyes and Meruem notices her vibe changes completely. He asks her if she can see, to which she replies she cannot and needs the moves to be announced out loud. She offers to close them, but he declares he is not bothered by her keeping her eyes open. They begin their first game. She checkmates him with standard tactics, causing him to deduce he is not good enough for a serious game yet. They keep playing for eight hours, and Komugi wins every time. He dismisses her to have a rematch against the Go champion, much to her displeasure. To Shaiapouf Meruem says that in four or five more games he will be able to make her play for real, then he will find her rhythm and destroy it. Menthuthuyoupi enters the room with a suicide note and declares the Go player has hanged himself, so the King has him call Komugi back.[14] The King keeps losing to Komugi as her moves become sharper and more difficult to read. With one move, Komugi turns the tides once again. Meruem concedes defeat, thinking it is impossible that she anticipated all 72 of his moves, and demands another game.[15]

Confident he has figured out and is about to disrupt her rhythm, Meruem isolates his king in a strategy he calls "Detached Castling".[11] He then takes control of the central position, which, he reckons, would give him total control over the flow of the game. She pauses for the first time, but after a moment, she counters his move. Realizing there are no viable options left to him, Meruem surrenders. Irritated, he claims Komugi knew his strategy was a refuted variation, which she confirms, and asks her why she hesitated. She explains that she both created and destroyed the tactic the King called "Detached Castling", which she named "Kokoriko", and, welling up, reveals she hesitated because it was as though her child had come back to life for a moment and she had snuffed him out again. Her recount marks the first time Meruem has listened to someone for that long. Her sentimentality bothers the King, who loses interest in playing. He walks away, declaring there will be no more breaks.[16]

104 - Meruem on his throne

Meruem, frustrated yet satisfied

Sitting on the throne, Meruem reflects that his rhythm is the one being disrupted, but instead of regarding it as an unbearable indignity, he finds himself both frustrated and amused by it. He is vexed that his skills in self-analysis are not yet refined. He returns to the game room, where, spotting Komugi seated in front of the board, he asks Shaiapouf if she did not rest. The Royal Guard points out to him that she is sleeping while sitting, drool flowing from her mouth. Her vulgar appearance leads Meruem to wonder how her mind can concoct such marvelous games. He wakes her up and makes the first move, then proposes they make a bet.[17]

Meruem takes off his left arm

Meruem's apology

In order to disrupt her rhythm, Meruem attempts a psychological offensive by using greed and fear: he offers to give her anything she wants if she wins, in return for her left arm if she loses. Her desperate musings cause the King to ask her why she is reacting like that. She enquires if instead of her left arm she can wager what she usually does, which, much to the King's shock, is her own life. Confused by her concern that it might be offensive, Meruem demands that she explain herself. She recounts her family circumstances and her vow to kill herself if she ever lost a game, adding that since her life would be worthless when she loses, it may be considered bad manners to offer it to the King. Impressed, Meruem asks her if there is anything she would like if she wins. Komugi responds she has never thought about anything besides Gungi and resolves to come up with something after the game. The King notices there are no hints of greed or fear in her. He begins to laugh, admitting he was the one not to take their games seriously enough. He rescinds the bet, as she could have asked for his life in return. The notion horrifies Komugi, but he retorts it is a personal matter and tears off his own left arm as an apology.[18]

King-Komugi 105

Meruem threatens Komugi

Shaiapouf rushes to his side to stop the bleeding and insists he stops playing, but Meruem smacks him, stating he was the one to declare there would be no more breaks. Shaiapouf suggests Neferpitou administer treatment while he plays, stating that if the King refuses, he will have to kill him. Adamant, Meruem tells him to come closer so he can finish him off. He orders Komugi to play, but she refuses, even when he threatens to kill her. Faced with her stubbornness, he agrees to summon Neferpitou,[18] who reattaches his arm as he plays.[19] They keep at it for three days, until even Komugi's reaches her mental and physical limit. Claiming he would not enjoy beating her while she is weak, Meruem goes back on his word and allows her to take a break.[20] When they resume, he is willing to accept her advice. Shaiapouf demands to talk to him in private, but the King bids he speaks to him as he plays. Uninterested in the Sorting and the Unification, he leaves matters in the Royal Guard's hands and chases him out.[21]

Meruem summons his Royal Guards - Episode 108

Meruem summons his Royal Guards

As he improves in Gungi, so does Komugi.[21] He takes note of it and acknowledges her superiority, as she manages to make their games entertaining despite winning. During one of their games, she awakens to Nen, causing Meruem to realize she will grow even more skilled. For the first time, she asks for a break, leading Meruem to ask if anything is wrong. She replies that she wants to memorize the moves that are flooding her mind by arranging the pieces. Impressed that she has never forgotten a game she played, he grants her request. As he watches her leave, he asks her name. She reciprocates the question, throwing the King into a state of confusion.[22] He leaves without replying[23] and summons his guards. Once they have assembled, he asks them what his name is. Shaiapouf answers he has no need for one, as after the Unification project is complete, he will be the only true King. Meruem objects that "king" is a title, not a name. He turns to Menthuthuyoupi, who deems himself unable to provide a satisfying solution and then to Neferpitou, who recommends the King chooses a name that suits his tastes. Detecting his pensive mood, Shaiapouf offers the Royal Guards' support. Meruem states he saw Komugi's body bathed in light, and the fact he learned her name shocks Shaiapouf. He adds that she will keep growing stronger, although in Gungi alone, and asks Neferpitou if she would survive the Selection, which the Royal Guard denies. Meruem declares he has learned different kinds of strength exist and reflects on his actions, causing Shaiapouf to fear he is regretting his actions.[22]

Meruem Komugi 108-2

A baffled Meruem standing before Komugi

However, Meruem grins ominously. He states that all those other strengths can be easily destroyed by his: the ultimate force of violence. He heads off to Komugi's room, determined to kill her. As he barges in, he saw she is being attacked by a bird and, without a moment's hesitation, strikes down the bird. Noticing her injuries, he rebukes her for not calling for help, while remarking her fragility. When Komugi replies she did not want to be an inconvenience, he states she is an important guest. His own words perplex him, and he is even more befuddled when Komugi begins to cry. Unable to straighten out his emotions, he wonders why he did not kill her, and what he wants to do with her.[24]

110 - Meruem and Neferpitou

Meruem orders a change in security system

On the day before the Selection, he summons Neferpitou and asks them if they knew Komugi was being attacked. He then orders them to watch over her as well.[25] Being unable to understand his own emotions towards Komugi leaves Meruem in a contemplative state, in which he ponders on the purpose of his existence in the world.[26] His musings continue well into the night. He admonishes Menthuthuyoupi not to follow him and, when the Royal Guard is about to object, strikes him. He then has him order Neferpitou to rescind their En. Neferpitou goes to him and suggests forming a circle around him. Meruem rejects the proposal, as that would require him to stay in one location or the Royal Guard to monitor his every movement. He allows Neferpitou to use their En around the palace. Neferpitou points out that would prevent them from sensing enemies coming from underground or rebellions inside the palace. Irate, Meruem rules that Neferpitou's En will only go up to the first floor, announcing that he will dispose of any trespassers himself, including the Royal Guards.[23]

Meruem holding Komugi 112

Meruem holding Komugi

At midnight, Zeno's Dragon Dive rains down on the palace. The King immediately rushes to the guest suite on the second floor of the west tower, where Komugi resides. Finding her mortally wounded, he clutches her limp body as his aura and his expression reveals his devastated state of mind to Neferpitou. The Royal Guard, Netero and Zeno, who located him through En,[27] stand motionless, petrified by the sight. After recomposing himself, Meruem gently lays down Komugi and commands Neferpitou to heal her. He then requests the intruders to fight somewhere else. The moment Neferpitou activates their Nen ability, Netero and Zeno freeze and Meruem disappears from their sight, casually strolling between them.[28] He takes the southern exit, followed by the two assassins.[29] Having realized their intent is to separate him from his Royal Guards with the minimum number of human casualties, he allows himself to be relocated. Zeno shoots his Dragon Head, which Meruem and Netero ride away from the palace.[30]

122 - Meruem wants to talk

Meruem wants to have a discussion

The dragon vanishes above a testing site for military weapons. He asks Netero why they must fight, stating his opponent will die. Netero warns him not to judge him by his appearance, but Meruem replies he is fully aware Netero has a grasp on their power as much as he does. Revealing he no longer sees humans as mere livestock, he states that he is willing to spare Netero if he surrenders. However, the Chairman refuses, on the grounds he cannot accept a deal that entails his survival alone.[31] Meruem remarks that he fights knowing he will lose and states that if he is doing it for the sake of mankind, he should endorse his project, as he can obliterate inequality and misery. He claims to have learned that power serves to protect the weak who deserve to live and sits down on the ground, resolute to exchange nothing but words with Netero. However, the Chairman activates 100-Type Guanyin Bodhisattva and strikes Meruem with First Hand.[32]

Ready to take Netero on

Spitting blood, the King emerges from the crater, relatively unharmed. He commends the speed of the attack and sits down again, silently admonishing Netero not to make him repeat himself. Netero retorts with Third Hand. Prying the construct's hands open, Meruem's temper flares slightly, but it is enough to make Netero double the distance between them. The King sits down again. To get him to fight, Netero asks him if he knows his name. This elicits Meruem's interest, who accepts to fight until Netero is satisfied without killing him, which he likens to playing chess without a rook and a bishop.[33] Ecstatic, Netero leaps up and activates Ninety-Ninth Hand. Meruem is assaulted by a barrage of palm strikes that burrow deeper and deeper into the ground until the two fighters break through the ceiling of a massive grave. Netero strikes Meruem again, sending him crashing into a pillar.[34]

Meruemvs Netero

Meruem vs. Netero

Tossed around but undamaged by the attacks, Meruem feels admiration for his opponent surge inside of him. Quickly finding his balance, he jumps at Netero and attempts to sever his arm, but Netero counters his offensive in time. The King realizes Netero must join his hands between attacks and that he turned an ordinarily wasteful movement into a powerful asset faster than he is. He speculates Netero trained it to the point of insanity for a decade. Emerging from the debris unscathed, Meruem praises Netero's ability to exceed his own limits through sheer effort. The sense of superiority implied by his accolade infuriates Netero, who attacks him again. This time, however, Meruem jumps off a pillar right after being struck and decides to resolve only to that extremely simple tactic until he can figure out all of Netero's possible counters and his rhythm. The challenge causes him to burst into a gleeful laugh.[35]

126 - Meruem vs Netero 1

Fighting in the tomb

After receiving thousands of blows, Meruem begins to feel a dull pain; however, he manages to chop off Netero's leg. Pausing his assault, he tells his opponent to staunch his bleeding and reveals his name, claiming he did well for a human.[36] Netero clenches the muscles of his leg so tight that not a single drop of blood escapes, to Meruem's amazement. The King admits he is awed by his resolve but states that losing his leg was inevitable. He claims playing board games with Komugi has endowed him with a faculty akin to precognition, which allowed him to identify Netero's rhythm. He declares he will take his left arm next. In the following minute, Netero thwarts Meruem's assaults over a thousand times, until Meruem manages to jump off one of the construct's arms and sever Netero's arm as predicted. He sits down again, demanding to know his name. Netero, however, smiles and asks him why he thinks he needs arms to pray. As he activates Zero Hand, the Guanyin statue appears behind Meruem, clasping him between two hands; then, every last ounce of Netero's aura is converted into a beam, which it fires out of its mouth. Meruem walks out of the crater with only superficial injuries. He states that a mere human stands no chance against the endpoint of evolution he represents. Acknowledging Netero's efforts, and determining that the human ego weakens the Chimera Ants' chain of command, he promises to create a special reserve where humans not destined for food will be able to live. He orders Netero to tell him his name. To his shock, the Chairman chortles. Calling him by his name, he warns the King not to underestimate humans.[37]

Meruem absorbing youpi pouf

Meruem absorbing Menthuthuyoupi and Shaiapouf

Meruem is unable to savor the discovery. Overwhelmed by the defiance of an exhausted enemy, Meruem feels fear for the first time. When Netero sticks his finger in his own chest, Meruem comprehends their fight was over before they even started. Before he can escape, the Poor Man's Rose inside Netero's body goes off, engulfing him into a massively powerful blast.[38] As a result, Meruem is horribly injured, his limbs mangles and his entire body being burned to a crisp. Crying in despair, Menthuthuyoupi and Shaiapouf retrieve him from the site of the explosion and notice he is still alive. Shaiapouf donates 6/7ths of his cells to the King, who awakens and praises the taste. Menthuthuyoupi then liquefies his own cells and offers them to the King to drink. Meruem declares the two guards' offerings are incomparably supreme in flavor. As he begins to recover, he tells them his name.[39]

128 - Reborn Meruem

The reborn King

A few minutes later, he has made a full recovery. The two Royal Guards note with joy that he is even more powerful than before, but, since they are now part of him, are able to sense his confusion. From their words, he understands that he was really being healed, but cannot remember why he is in that place. He reflects that his body is healthy and brimming with energy, whereas his mind is clouded. He asks Shaiapouf why their appearance has changed, and, through the empathic bond he has come to share with the two guards, understands Shaiapouf is lying. Stating that it is a breach of trust even when done out of love, he demands to know if he ate them. The guards protest they offered themselves willingly. Questioned by Shaiapouf, Meruem responds he recognized the two of them as soon as he saw them, but that he has no recollection of the events. The Royal Guard advances that he has temporarily lost his memory due to shell shock after his enemy cowardly deployed a bomb. This triggers a foggy recollection in Meruem's mind of dueling someone (although he is thinking about Gungi rather than his battle with Netero). Menthuthuyoupi recommends they return to the palace to jog his memory. Meruem grows wings and, after a few seconds of practice, is ready to fly. Menthuthuyoupi directs him northward. The two Royal Guards grab onto his tail and he takes off. After only a few seconds, A.P.R. appears next to Shaiapouf.[40]

128 - Meruem Wings

Meruem with the two Royal Guards

When Meruem voices his annoyance at being unable to shake it off, Menthuthuyoupi affirms that it will not disappear unless the user himself is hurt. To test his hypothesis, the King fires his rage blast, which pushes A.P.R. into a mountain. The rocky formation crumbles, but A.P.R. returns undamaged. Meruem confronts Menthuthuyoupi about his knowledge of the ability, enquiring if he saw it or it was used on him. He replies it is the latter, and Meruem demands to be told what he did to terminate it. Menthuthuyoupi confesses he made a pact with Knuckle to spare Morel if he disengaged the ability. Asked why he did not kill both afterward, Menthuthuyoupi admits it did not feel right and declares himself ready to be punished. The King, however, forgives him, stating there is no retribution for answering him truthfully. He affirms they have become a complex entity that is connected in mind and body, and between which there can be no secrets. He also forgives Menthuthuyoupi for sparing Meleoron, claiming that the fluctuations in their spirit caused by their human components are a step to evolve even further.[41]

Meruem brings Knuckle and Meleoron for interrogation

Meruem knocks out Knuckle and Meleoron

A few minutes later the three reach the palace. Meruem senses Shaiapouf's frustration and offers to help him against the rebels, but the guard replies his memory is their priority and shows him the rows of humans gathered in front of the palace. However, he claims that is not what was missing. Ignoring the pain in his head, he enquires about the devastation of the palace. He demands to be taken where he spent most of his time, even if it is in ruins.[42] He pays little attention to Menthuthuyoupi as he guides him through the meat orchard where the cocooned humans are kept.[43] When the guards take him to the second floor of the west tower, the feeling that something is missing intensifies. Unable to recall, he hypothesizes it is only a symptom of his amnesia. The guards fill him in on the Selection. When Menthuthuyoupi mentions Neferpitou, the King immediately remembers them, as well as that he assigned them some task. He demands that Neferpitou be brought to him and plans to hunt down the stragglers while he waits for information and entertainment. Shaiapouf deems it unsafe, so Meruem releases his Ren to showcase his power. He asks if he believes his enemies stand a chance, which Shaiapouf, in awe, denies. He activates his En and in the blink of an eye reaches a fleeing Knuckle, knocking him out. Before Meleoron can disappear, he renders him unconscious as well. As quickly as he disappeared, he returns to the west tower, carrying the two members of the Extermination Team to question them once they regain consciousness.[44]

133 - Meruem and Gungi

Meruem's improvised Gungi board

Before he can pursue the other two whose aura reacted to his En, Shaiapouf suggests turning it into a game: after he spreads his scales to hypnotize the incoming humans, he and Menthuthuyoupi will try to find Neferpitou before the King can capture the remaining two intruders. He also asks that the King use En only once more. Meruem accepts the terms and offers to grant each of them a wish if they win, but if they lose, they will have to reveal what they are hiding from him. The two Royal Guards try to protest, but he states he can perceive their guilt but has spared them because their loyalty is even stronger. He agrees to stay in the tower until Shaiapouf returns, the word "game" echoing in his mind.[45] As he paces about the room, he finds a chipped Gungi piece (his king) under a rock, which reminds him he was playing a board game against someone and never won. His headache grows worse, and he begins to bleed from one nostril. He draws the board in the dust on the floor. Shaiapouf arrives and reports that Menthuthuyoupi was killed. Meruem simply asks where Neferpitou is. The Royal Guard replies he has not found them yet and insists on terminating the game. The King states that in that case he has won and Shaiapouf must disclose his secret. Upon seeing the Gungi board drawn on the floor, Shaiapouf accepts to continue the game and Meruem heads out to look for the remaining stragglers.[5]

Meruem-6 ep 134

Meruem looks at Welfin

He senses Shaiapouf's panic as he coughs up blood, and admits to being interested in his secret. The Royal Guard swears he will keep his word. Meruem activates his En, noticing small changes from the last time and a new person reacting to it. Cutting through the rows of hypnotized citizens, he finds Welfin and interrogates him about Menthuthuyoupi's demise. Welfin responds he saw the Royal Guard vomit blood and dying, so he went searching for his killer among the citizens. Shaiapouf attempts to barge in, but Meruem declares he can sense Welfin's extraordinary hostility towards him, an ability derived from Shaiapouf's Spiritual Message. Before he can question Welfin about the root of his hatred, Shaiapouf states Welfin is deeply connected to his secret even though he does not realize it himself. Meruem unleashes an anger-infused Ren, growing impatient with the Royal Guard's impertinent manipulation. Shaiapouf replies he has nothing to say, and the sheer insanity of his dedication gives Meruem pause. He retracts his aura, then announces that he is hungry and glances at Welfin.[46]

Meruem regains his memory

Meruem regains his memory

Desperate to survive, the former Squadron Leader racks his brain and utters a single word: "Komugi". The King remembers her, and the intensity of his feelings reaches Shaiapouf. He confronts the Royal Guard, who declares himself ready for any punishment. Meruem responds that as he already knows, they share one mind and there is no cause for blame. He orders Shaiapouf to keep looking for Neferpitou and interrogate the two captives, then let them go. He then deduces Komugi is hidden in the underground warehouse with Palm Siberia and Ikalgo and that Welfin had been sent to negotiate with him, and wonders if his hatred is the reason for his failure, which his empathic ability confirms. He demands to know where they are awaiting him, promising to set him free afterward and thanking him for helping him remember. As he makes for the appointed location, Welfin screams at him his only king is Gyro. Meruem calmly wishes Welfin to meet him and to live a human life, words that cause Shaiapouf to scream in despair.[47]

Meruem Komugi ep 135

Meruem's last wish

When he reaches Bizeff's quarters, there is no one to meet him. He understands it is a way to delay him and spreads aura-infused photons, which allow him to find Palm hidden in a wardrobe and to learn about his impending death. He senses her duty and resolve and announces that the battle for humanity is over. He claims to be aware of his fate, and that all he desires is to spend what time he has left with Komugi. In tears, Palm comes out of the wardrobe. She proclaims she cannot believe him, despite knowing he genuinely loves Komugi. Meruem contemplates his metamorphosis and his possible course of action if he had been like that from the start. He asks Palm where Komugi is, aware that she would not talk even under torture. As he prepares to kneel to implore her, Palm, driven by her ant components, stops him. She tells him where Komugi is hidden in return for being able to monitor him through Wink Blue, which Meruem agrees to. He finds Komugi asleep inside a box in the warehouse and wakes her up to play.[48]

Meruem and Komugi - 135

Komugi decides to stay as she makes her move

The two take a Gungi board into Bizeff's bedroom. As they set up the pieces, Komugi thanks Meruem for saving her, but he replies it was one of his underlings who did it. He offers to thank them for her, adding that he will see them shortly. Sensing Komugi's impatience, he prepares to start the game, then hesitates. He tells her his name, answering the question she posed the night before. Fumbling, Komugi introduces herself again. Meruem responds he already knows who she is, but thinks he never really knew what was important before. He commands her to drop the honorifics, and when she refuses, he makes it his wish if he wins. Komugi then asks if it is possible to die after calling him by name only. Remembering her resolve and their first wager, Meruem states that she will not die and that since he has changed, she should prepare for innumerable defeats. He asks her what she wants if she wins. The predictable response is "Another game". As they begin playing, he notices Komugi is going for "Kokoriko". Feeling mocked, he declares she can die after her loss. However, she uses a move she came up with the night she unlocked Nen to counter his offensive, creating a whole new range of possibilities. He orders her to be silent while he reflects. When he thinks he has come up with a suitable novelty buster, he notices she is crying. He enquires about the reason, and Komugi responds she is unworthy of her happiness. Meruem confesses he has been poisoned and that he will die shortly. He reveals his last wish was to play with her but warns her that the poison is contagious. However, she simply counters his move and chooses to stay with him, leading Meruem to believe he was born to experience that moment.[49]

Meruem's death

Meruem's death

Meruem eventually goes blind and keeps asking Komugi if she is still there as they play. He notes that he never managed to beat her. After a while, he declares he feels tired. He asks Komugi to hold his hand while he sleeps, then if she will still be by his side when he wakes up. Komugi swears she'll never leave him, so Meruem thanks her. He asks her to say his name one last time before passing away.[50]

13th Hunter Chairman Election arc[]

148 - Meruem and Komugi holding hands

Meruem holds Komugi's hand after their deaths

Meruem is seen holding Komugi's hand, even in death.[51]

Abilities & Powers[]

Despite being a newborn, Meruem is the most powerful character to be introduced in the series thus far, as well as the one with the highest learning ability. Born as the ultimate biological weapon, his tremendous physical prowess is only matched by an unparalleled intellect, both of which seem to place him well above the realm of human possibility. As the King of the Chimera Ants, his power exceeds even that of the Royal Guards,[28] and he can increase it even further by consuming Nen users.[8] He fought Isaac Netero, formerly considered the strongest Nen user in the world, who retained a fearsome level of power even in his old age,[52] while trying not to kill him, a condition Meruem likened to playing chess without a rook and bishop,[33] and won their physical confrontation. After the absorption of most of Shaiapouf's and Menthuthuyoupi's bodies, Knuckle believed that military power at the state level would be necessary to match him.[44] As the king of a colony of Chimera Ants, Meruem has authority over the Royal Guards and the ability to procreate with females from different species.[3]

91 - Meruem

Meruem after punching a large hole in the mountain

Unfathomable Strength: As soon as he was born, Meruem already possessed enough strength to blow off the heads of several Squadron Leaders with a single tail strike for each, as well as to punch a hole into the nest with enough force that the whole construction shook. By stabbing his tail into the outer wall of the nest, he was able to launch himself high into the air.[2] His tail is so powerful that it allowed him to injure all three Royal Guards, albeit only lightly,[3][18][23] although he failed to kill Neferpitou[3] and held back on at least one other occasion.[23] He was able to effortlessly sever Netero's left arm[37] and right leg,[36] as well as, more remarkably, his own left arm[18] in spite of the outstanding durability of his body. With the aid of Ren, he managed to push back two of the hands of Netero's 100-Type Guanyin Bodhisattva.[33]

126 - Meruem vs Netero 2

Meruem moving at extraordinary speed to attack Netero

Unfathomable Speed and Reflexes: Meruem could move so swiftly mere moments after his birth that he could decapitate two Squadron Leaders without them or Colt managing to see him move.[2] The Royal Guards seemed equally unable to react.[3][18][23] In the brief instant that Netero and Zeno were distracted by Neferpitou's aura, Meruem managed to leisurely walk between the two of them undetected.[28] By his own admission, the only time Netero's speed exceeded his own was during the latter's hand movements when activating 100-Type Guanyin Bodhisattva.[35] In the last part of their duel, with both fighters' senses at their absolute sharpest, they exchanged well over a thousand of blows in under a minute:[37] at the very least, this means that Meruem recovered his balance after being pushed back by Netero and launched a new offensive more than 16 times per second. However, Netero's hand motions were so fast that Meruem failed to see his first attack,[32] and it was only thanks to the psychological phenomenon known as Spirit Echoes that he managed to barely keep up with them,[35] until he finally managed to dodge a flawed counter.[37] After absorbing Menthuthuyoupi and Shaiapouf, he became so fast that he reached and knocked out Meleoron and Knuckle immediately after his En registered them, giving them the impression he had teleported, and knocked them out without either of them being capable of reacting.[44] He also gained the ability to fly, which increased his already supersonic movement speed to the point that Shaiapouf believed it to have quadrupled.[40]

Unfathomable Agility: Meruem is able to move from angle to angle deftly, as seen from his fight with Isaac Netero, in which he repeatedly recovered his balance and leaped off vertical structures in fragments of a second after being blown away by strikes faster than sound.[35][36][37]

Unfathomable Stamina: Meruem defeated the shogi and Go champions of East Gorteau without resting between matches,[13][14] and did not show the slightest hint of physical or mental fatigue even after playing Gungi with Komugi for three days straight.[20] He was so engrossed in their games that he apparently ate nothing for six days,[16] and still seemed unaffected.


Meruem after Netero's Zero Hand

Unfathomable Durability: Meruem is extremely durable. Netero's incredibly powerful supersonic attacks only inflicted minor injuries on him,[33] and none at all after his first activation of Ren.[33][34][35][36][37] He was able to take thousands of such blows without suffering even a single scratch, although it was said that he eventually began to feel a dull internal pain,[36] hinting that he may have sustained some light internal damage before even Zero Hand was used. He was also able to take on Netero's most powerful move, Zero Hand, which launches Netero's entire aura upon his opponent and he only received cuts and bruises.[37] He was able to survive the ultra-powerful explosion[39] of the Poor Man's Rose that was released after Netero's death[38] and despite his body being nearly destroyed in the process, he was still alive after the fatal attack.[39]

Immense Pain Tolerance: Meruem ripped off his own arm without hesitation, barely flinching afterwards.[18][19]

Immense Poison Resistance: Meruem was the last Chimera Ant to succumb to the poison of the Poor Man's Rose[50] despite having been at the epicenter of the explosion,[38] although it should be taken into account that Shaiapouf and Menthuthuyoupi had given a significant amount of their power to the King in order to save his life.[40]

104 - Meruem

Meruem thinking about thousands of strategies in Gungi

Supergenius-Level Intellect: Thanks to his astounding memory and analytical skills, Meruem mastered multiple board games just by reading the rule books, and defeated three national champions in only a few games, a time that decreased the more games he learned.[14] He is capable of examining multiple scenarios in a matter of seconds.[16] He excels at identifying his opponent's "rhythm",[14] the unconscious bias that guides their choices, and at disrupting it or turning it against them, not only gaining insight in their thought process but also managing to exploit it for his benefit. Playing Gungi with Komugi elevated his pattern-recognition skills to an ability similar to precognition. It is thanks to this faculty that he was able to penetrate Netero's otherwise impregnable defense, even predicting what body parts he would be able to cut off in advance.[37]

  • Chess Master: Meruem implied he defeated the East Gorteau national champion of chess in three days or less.[14]
  • Shogi Master: Meruem was able to defeat the East Gorteau national champion of shogi in three days or less.[13]
  • Go Master: Meruem was able to defeat the East Gorteau national champion of Go after playing only ten games.[14]
  • Gungi Master: Over the course of six days, Meruem became so proficient at Gungi that competing against him caused the world champion to improve.[22] However, despite playing hundreds of games, he was unable to defeat her even once.[50]

Proficient Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Meruem relies entirely on bare-handed combat to kill his opponents. He often uses his tail, which can stretch to a length of a few meters to reach distant targets,[2] and whose tip can be used to pierce them.[4] With his formidable strength and speed, he aims for the vitals right away.[2][4] By contrast, he was capable of knocking out Knuckle and Meleoron while moving at extreme speed without killing them, simply by hitting a sensitive area on their neck.[44]

Empathic Bond: After consuming Menthuthuyoupi and Shaiapouf, Meruem came to share an empathic bond with them that allowed him to detect their feelings in detail.[45]


Meruem's En

Meruem's En

Meruem is an Emitter.[1] He was born with the ability to use Nen[4] and a vastly superhuman amount of aura, which exceeded even that of the Royal Guards.[28] By feeding on Nen users, he increased the size of his aura even further.[8] After consuming Shaiapouf and Menthuthuyoupi, his aura reserves and output became such that even the overly protective Royal Guards had to admit the King seemed invincible and capable of winning a Nen battle through the sheer quantity of one's aura. Upon sensing his Ren, the Extermination Team members despaired, with Knuckle believing they would need the military power of a whole country to defeat the King.[44]

He could perform Gyo shortly after birth without receiving instructions.[4] His Ren struck fear even in Netero's heart, and allowed Meruem to pry open the hands of 100-Type Guanyin Bodhisattva as well as to emerge from Third Hand completely unscathed, whereas Netero's First Hand had previously caused him to spit blood.[33] This defensive application of Ren may imply he is capable of Ken.

The first time he used En, it covered an area much wider than the palace grounds and spread at the speed of light.[44] Despite its vastness, his control over it is so refined that he was able to discern changes in the environment as small as fresh footprints.[46] At first, unbeknownst to him, his En transmutes part of his aura into photons that relay information to him. When, after only two uses, he became aware of this trait of his En, he was able to turn it into a Nen ability.[48] The absorption of Shaiapouf and Menthuthuyoupi endowed him with variations of their Nen abilities, which he could activate successfully on the first try.[40][41][46]

Meruem's Nen Type: Emission
Type: Unknown Aura Synthesis*
Meruem's aura synthesis
Meruem's initial ability gives him strength through consumption. His aura grows every time he devours a user of Nen, with their aura synthesizing to his own.[8] When he consumed Menthuthuyoupi and Shaiapouf, he also obtained some of their Nen abilities. The amount of which he needs to consume one's body in order to achieve this is unknown, but it would seem that Meruem needs to absorb the vast majority of their body to be able to use their ability.[40][41] Neferpitou suggested this is a Nen ability rather than (merely) a biological one.[8]
Type: Transmutation Metamorphosis*
130 - King's wings
After absorbing large parts of Shaiapouf and Menthuthuyoupi, he is able to use Menthuthuyoupi's ability to transform—including gaining wings to fly. This allows him to fly at a speed so great he could cover a distance that Menthuthuyoupi and Shaiapouf thought would take 15 minutes in a mere 5 minutes.[40]
Type: Transmutation, Emission Rage Blast*
129 - Meruem Rage Blast
After absorbing large parts of Shaiapouf and Menthuthuyoupi, Meruem acquired the ability to fire explosive blasts of aura from his arm. A single one carries enough power to severely damage a large rock formation.[41]
Type: Emission, Transmutation, Manipulation Photon*
HxH2011 EP135 Meruem Photon ability
By combining the abilities inherited from Shaiapouf and his own En, Meruem created his own version of Spiritual Message. It consists in turning his aura into microscopic particles akin to photons and either deploy them with his En in a flash or detach the photons from his body and spread them into the surrounding air. Each photon maintains his aura even if it is separated from Meruem's body. It also allows him to measure the shape, quality, emotion, and other informational content about the things the photons interact with; hence this ability most likely also entails Emission and Manipulation too. As stated by Welfin and Shaiapouf, he can detect everything, even lies. The precision of the information he can gather depends on the number of photons directed at the object of interest. It is also briefly shown that immediately after deploying the photons in a flash, Meruem can seemingly teleport to the close vicinity of any target of interest within the region affected.[44][46] However, it is unclear whether it is really a part of this ability, or that Meruem simply catches up by covering extraordinary distances instantly with his immense speed.

Manga Appearances[]

Chimera Ant arc
186. The Queen Absent
187. The Beast Fodder Absent
188. NGL Absent
189. Infiltration Absent
190. The Hunt Absent
191. Pros Absent
192. Human Dog Absent
193. Scissors Absent
194. vs. Hagya's Squad: Part 1 Absent
195. vs. Hagya's Squad: Part 2 Absent
196. vs. Hagya's Squad: Part 3 Absent
197. vs. Hagya's Squad: Part 4 Shadow
198. Sudden Attack Absent
199. Light and Shadow Absent
200. Stipulation Absent
201. Reunion Absent
202. Duel Absent
203. Gyro Absent
204. Gyro's Story Absent
205. Time Remaining Shadow
206. A Real Fight Absent
207. Weakness: Part 1 Absent
208. Weakness: Part 2 Absent
209. ? Absent
210. Weakness: Part 3 Absent
211. Loan Shark Absent
212. Water Breaking Voice
213. Birth Debut
214. Results Appears
215. Last Words Pictured
216. Republic of East Gorteau Appears
217. Meat Orchard Appears
218. Confession Absent
219. Awakening Absent
220. Reunion: Part 1 Absent
221. Reunion: Part 2 Absent
222. Reunion: Part 3 Absent
223. 10: Part 1 Pictured
224. 10: Part 2 Absent
225. 10: Part 3 Absent
226. 10: Part 4 Absent
227. 10: Part 5 Absent
228. 10: Part 6 Absent
229. 10: Part 7 Appears
230. 9: Part 1 Absent
231. 9: Part 2 Pictured
232. 9: Part 3 Absent
233. 9: Part 4 Absent
234. 9: Part 5 Mentioned
235. 8: Part 1 Pictured
236. 8: Part 2 Absent
237. 8: Part 3 Absent
238. 8: Part 4 Absent
239. 8: Part 5 Absent
240. 8: Part 6 Absent
241. 8: Part 7 Mentioned
242. 7: Part 1 Mentioned
243. 7: Part 2 Appears
244. 6: Part 1 Appears
245. 6: Part 2 Appears
246. 6: Part 3 Appears
247. 6: Part 4 Appears
248. 6: Part 5 Appears
249. 6: Part 6 Appears
250. 6: Part 7 Appears
251. 6: Part 8 Pictured
252. 6: Part 9 Mentioned
253. 6: Part 10 Absent
254. 6: Part 11 Absent
255. 5: Part 1 to 2: Part 1 Appears
256. 2: Part 2 Appears
257. 1: Part 1 Appears
258. 1: Part 2 Appears
259. 1: Part 3 Appears
260. 1: Part 4 Appears
261. Charge: Part 1 Appears
262. Charge: Part 2 Pictured
263. Charge: Part 3 Mentioned
264. Charge: Part 4 Mentioned
265. Charge: Part 5 Mentioned
266. "In the Unlikely Event Of..." Mentioned
267. Activation Appears
268. The King Appears
269. Adversity Is a Good Thing Pictured
270. Indebted To Appears
271. Separation Appears
272. Error Absent
273. We Meet Again Mentioned
274. Solution Mentioned
275. Promise Absent
276. Missileman Absent
277. Insult Mentioned
278. Destruction Pictured
279. Escape Absent
280. Direct Hit Absent
281. Godspeed Absent
282. Sealed Area Absent
283. Determination Absent
284. Fifteen Minutes Mentioned
285. Doubles Mentioned
286. Core Mentioned
287. Present State Appears
288. Accolade Appears
289. Terms Mentioned
290. Name Appears
291. Soliloquy Appears
292. Hidden Agenda Appears
293. Metamorphosis Absent
294. Breakdown Flashback
295. Determination Flashback
296. Admission Appears
297. The Last Appears
298. Rose Appears
299. Regeneration Appears
300. Insurance Mentioned
301. Memory Appears
302. Target Appears
303. Pain Appears
304. Magic Appears
305. Sorry Mentioned
306. Relief Mentioned
307. Loss Mentioned
308. Flash Appears
309. Game Appears
310. Action Appears
311. Deadline Appears
312. Resolve Appears
313. One Word Appears
314. Persuasion Appears
315. Home Mentioned
316. Real Name Mentioned
317. Answer Appears
318. Final Will Death
13th Hunter Chairman Election arc
319. Lottery Absent
320. Voting Absent
321. Monster Absent
322. Siblings Absent
323. Job Offer Absent
324. Butler Absent
325. Joining the Fray Absent
326. Open Hostilities Absent
327. Riddle Absent
328. Arrangements Absent
329. Spy Absent
330. Confession Absent
331. Day of Reckoning Absent
332. Applause Absent
333. Rumble Absent
334. Total Defeat Absent
335. Decision Absent
336. Release Absent
337. Repentance Absent
338. Atop a Tree Flashback
339. Stillness Corpse

Battles & Competitions[]

  • Chimera Ant arc:
    • Meruem vs. East Gorteau Guards[4]
    • Meruem vs. East Gorteau Nen-using Soldier[4][8]
    • Meruem* vs. Isaac Netero[53][54][50]
    • Meruem vs. Knuckle Bine[44]
    • Meruem vs. Meleoron[44]
  • Chimera Ant arc:
    • Meruem vs. Shogi Champion (1 win after more than 20[14] games)[13]
    • Meruem vs. Go Champion* (1 win after 10 games)[13][14]
    • Meruem vs. Komugi (Gungi; all losses)[55][56][57]


  • (Repeated line) "Don't make me repeat myself."[2][18]
  • (To women begging the King to spare their lives) "Ha ha! They are idiots. Utilize your puny brain and think hard. Did you ever lend an ear to cows or swine that begged for their lives?"[8]
  • (To the Royal Guards) "I learned from Komugi that different kinds of "strengths" exist. On my way here... I killed a child. She perhaps could have one day been superior to me in some aspect. And I plucked off that bud. For no reason. Just like that."[22]
  • (To the Royal Guards) "I nipped a life in the bud for no reason. Heh. Heh. And what of it? It means... incredible power!! I swoop in, unjustly crushing the countless other fragile "strengths", trampling and destroying them with ease!! That is my power. Violence is the ultimate force in the world!!"[24]
  • (To Netero) "Old soldier, I'm counting on you. Let me finish my game. Don't collapse before then!"[35]
  • (To Netero) "I was born as the King of Ants, the crowning glory of life. All of your kind evolved solely to produce me. I am the culmination of generations of their unhesitating service. You are one of many, and no king. I hold in my hands the future of my species. Of course you could never win!! The ecology of the Chimera Ant is focused on the endpoint of all evolution... on me. Humanity, with its messy diversity... its individuals... never had a chance."[37]
  • (To Palm) "It was... a minor change. Something... somewhere... shifted. If I had been this way from the beginning... While I am no god... what I could do with this world... No. Perhaps only now can I see it this way."[48]
  • "I see now. This is why I was born. For this moment!!"[49]

Other quotes:

  • (To Neferpitou) "It takes no skill whatsoever in simply spotting them and then eating them. The pleasure comes from not knowing they're rare until you bite in."[3]
  • (To Shaiapouf) "Chess, Go, shogi... The rules may be different, but every first-rate player has a certain rhythm to his play. Therefore, disrupting their rhythm, and thus their game, is vital! Learn the basic tactics, and their rhythm becomes clear. Then I simply tailor my moves to disrupt this rhythm."[14]
  • "Greed and fear disrupt human rhythm. Greed will cloud the eyes and fear will shrink courage."[17]
  • "Why? I don't understand, and I don't like it. My rhythm is the one disrupted. It should be an unbearable indignity!! I do not know why... but... I find myself frustrated, yet I enjoy it at the same time...!"[17]
  • (To Komugi) "If you win, I will give you anything you desire. But... if you lose... I will take you left arm."[17]
  • "What? What am I saying? Didn't I come here to kill her just now...? Why is she crying?! Why didn't I kill her?! Why?! How?! What... is this creature...?! I do not understand... And me? What... What do I want to do with her?!"[24]
  • "I am king. But... who am I really...? Why am I here? For what reason was I born?"[26]
  • (To Netero) "I was born to rule this world. At first I did not feel anything more toward you humans than I feel toward livestock. But now I believe there are a few humans who deserve to live. That girl is one of them. I think you may be another. If you lay down your arms now I may still spare you."[31]
  • (To Netero) "Your society has "international borders"... partitions dividing the world into little boxes. To the right side of the border, children starve to death. To the left, the idle dregs of mankind feast on excess. It is sheer madness. I will destroy all borders. I can give you, if not perfect equality, a world without unjust want!!"[32]
  • (To Netero) "I have learned what power is for. To protect the weak who deserve to live. Never to oppress the defeated. I will not fight you."[32]
  • "What have you done? Old man... The game was over... before we even started."[38]
  • (To Menthuthuyoupi and Shaiapouf) "Humans are a stepping stone for us to transcend to the next level!! The perfect sacrifice! The remnants of human ego within us are but variables, as long as we consider them a transitional phase to our ultimate form!!"[41]
  • "Yes... I was... playing with someone!! Furthermore... I haven't won even once. I haven't been able to beat that person!! "[5]
  • (To Welfin) "I hope you get to see him. And... if possible, live a human life."[47]
  • (To Palm) "Even knowing what will happen, my greatest desire is still... to spend the time remaining to me with Komugi by my side. Nothing else."[48]
  • (To Komugi) "Komugi, wake up! Let's play!!"[48]
  • (To Komugi, referring to his Royal Guards) "They were too good for me..."[49]


  • According to the Chimera Ant Queen, "Meruem" means "light that illuminates all".[6] Fittingly, Meruem's En takes the form of an all-encompassing flash of light that extends his sense to all that is around him.[44]
    • Meruem's name resembles the Arabic name "مريوم", which can be romanized as either "Maryam" or "Meryem", and is equivalent to the English name "Mary". The origin of the name, however, is uncertain. It is speculated to derive from the Egyptian words "mry" ("beloved") or "mr" ("love"), which would be in keeping with those portions of the names of the Royal Guards derived from Egyptian deities.
  • In the Viz translation of Volume 21, the Chimera Ant Queen gives his name as "Meryem". This is amended to "Meruem" from their translation of Volume 28 and onwards. Some Japanese Hunter × Hunter goods and the extra book cover of the "Hunter × Hunter - Sôshû-hen - Treasure" Vol. 9 also feature this romanization of his name; other merch stamp an alternative, "Meeleem" (curiously a palindrome).
  • In Hunter × Hunter Battle Collection, Meruem is considered a Specialist.
  • Before the official confirmation of Meruem's Nen Type from the Togashi Exhibit, he was said to be a Specialist from the Hunter × Hunter Sōshūhen Treasure series.[58]
  • According to the "Hunter × Hunter Manual" section found in the Yu ☆ Yu ☆ Hakusho official character book (Shueisha Jump remix),* Meruem's stats are:
Story Arcs Mind Skill Body Nen Ingenuity Intelligence
Chimera Ant arc: NGL ?/5 ?/5 ?/5 ?/5 ?/5 ?/5
?/5 ?/5 ?/5 ?/5 ?/5 ?/5
Chimera Ant arc: Palace Invasion ?/5 ?/5 ?/5 ?/5 ?/5 ?/5
5+/5 5+/5 5+/5 5+/5 5+/5 5+/5
Chimera Ant arc: End ?/5 ?/5 ?/5 ?/5 ?/5 ?/5

Intertextuality and References[]

  • Meruem shares traits with some of the main villains from the Dragon Ball series. Meruem's appearance vaguely resembles Frieza's (namely, the deltoids and shins being purple), and more greatly mirrors Cell's (his hands, tail & color scheme of green & purple). His characterization is possibly inspired by the villains of the Dragon Ball series as well. Meruem's initial belief that his natural strength gave him the right to lord over the human race, as well as him killing his subordinates and treating them as disposable commodities, made him similar to Frieza (who did the same, and sought dominion over the whole universe). Like Cell, he had an interest in testing his abilities and sought improvement; as such, he challenged those who were the best in their field like Netero and Komugi (similar to how Cell started the Cell Games). He was also born to be an ultimate being, much like how Cell was born from the collection of the mightiest fighters in the Dragon Ball series, at the time. Also like Cell, Meruem nearly perished in a massive explosion, only to return in a more powerful state. Meruem's relationship to Komugi is also reminiscent of Majin Buu's relationship to Mr. Satan; a supremely more powerful character who is reined in by someone significantly weaker than them. Buu's change of character also starts with a meeting with a blind person too, similar to Meruem's meeting with Komugi.
  • In Togashi's other work, YuYu Hakusho, Raizen and his decision to not eat humans until death resemble the possible resulting character of Meruem had he continued to live with Komugi. Both Raizen and Meruem ate humans until they met the human female they each fell in love with.
  • In Chapter 137 of the Me & Roboco manga, Madoka's face briefly resembles Meruem's when she claims she'll tear off her left arm. This is also displayed in the Me & Roboco Anime, on Episode 3.
  • * In chapter 163 of the Me & Roboco Manga, Madoka resembles Mereum when she faces off against Bondo in a game of Shogi. After defeating Bondo, Madoka quotes Meruem in near-verbatim what he said to the East Gorteau Shogi Champion.

Translations around the World[]

Language Name
The Arab world Flag Arabic ميرويم (Miruim)
China Flag Chinese 梅路艾姆 (Méilùàimǔ)
Greece Flag Greek Μερουέμ (Merouém)
South Korea Flag Korean 메르엠 (Mereuem)
Russia Flag Russian Меруэм (Myeruem)


  1. 1.0 1.1 Exhibition: Togashi Yoshihiro -Puzzle-
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 21, Chapter 213
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 21, Chapter 214
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 21, Chapter 216
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 29, Chapter 310
  6. 6.0 6.1 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 21, Chapter 215
  7. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 21, Chapter 212
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 21, Chapter 217
  9. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 21, Chapter 223
  10. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 22, Chapter 230
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 23, Chapter 246
  12. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 22, Chapter 234
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 23, Chapter 243
  14. 14.00 14.01 14.02 14.03 14.04 14.05 14.06 14.07 14.08 14.09 14.10 14.11 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 23, Chapter 244
  15. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 23, Chapter 245
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 23, Chapter 247
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 24, Chapter 248
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 18.4 18.5 18.6 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 24, Chapter 249
  19. 19.0 19.1 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 24, Chapter 250
  20. 20.0 20.1 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 24, Chapter 255
  21. 21.0 21.1 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 24, Chapter 256
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 22.3 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 24, Chapter 257
  23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 23.3 23.4 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 25, Chapter 261
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 24, Chapter 258
  25. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 24, Chapter 259
  26. 26.0 26.1 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 24, Chapter 260
  27. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 25, Chapter 267
  28. 28.0 28.1 28.2 28.3 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 25, Chapter 268
  29. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 25, Chapter 270
  30. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 25, Chapter 271
  31. 31.0 31.1 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 27, Chapter 287
  32. 32.0 32.1 32.2 32.3 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 27, Chapter 288
  33. 33.0 33.1 33.2 33.3 33.4 33.5 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 27, Chapter 290
  34. 34.0 34.1 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 28, Chapter 291
  35. 35.0 35.1 35.2 35.3 35.4 35.5 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 28, Chapter 292
  36. 36.0 36.1 36.2 36.3 36.4 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 28, Chapter 296
  37. 37.0 37.1 37.2 37.3 37.4 37.5 37.6 37.7 37.8 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 28, Chapter 297
  38. 38.0 38.1 38.2 38.3 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 28, Chapter 298
  39. 39.0 39.1 39.2 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 28, Chapter 299
  40. 40.0 40.1 40.2 40.3 40.4 40.5 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 29, Chapter 301
  41. 41.0 41.1 41.2 41.3 41.4 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 29, Chapter 302
  42. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 29, Chapter 303
  43. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 29, Chapter 304
  44. 44.0 44.1 44.2 44.3 44.4 44.5 44.6 44.7 44.8 44.9 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 29, Chapter 308
  45. 45.0 45.1 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 29, Chapter 309
  46. 46.0 46.1 46.2 46.3 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 30, Chapter 312
  47. 47.0 47.1 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 30, Chapter 313
  48. 48.0 48.1 48.2 48.3 48.4 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 30, Chapter 314
  49. 49.0 49.1 49.2 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 30, Chapter 317
  50. 50.0 50.1 50.2 50.3 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 30, Chapter 318
  51. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 32, Chapter 339
  52. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 20, Chapter 202
  53. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 27, Chapters 288 - 289
  54. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 28, Chapters 291 - 292, 296 - 298
  55. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 23, Chapters 244 - 247
  56. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 24, Chapters 248 - 257
  57. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 30, Chapters 317 - 318
  58. Hunter × Hunter - Omnibus Version: Treasure [?] (Treasure X unknown page(1))


  1. Meruem was born in Chapter 212, on the same day that Hakoware sealed off Gon's Nen for one month, as confirmed in Chapter 214. In Chapter 223 the Royal Guards announce that the population of the Republic of East Gorteau will have to gather in Peijin for a rally within 10 days; a few hours later, after midnight, Gon is able to use Nen again, signalling that one month has passed. Since Meruem died on the day of the rally, this places his age at the moment of his death at approximately 40 days old.

