
Nipaper (ニペイパー, Nipeipā) was a Royal Bodyguard for Prince Momoze[1] until her death,[2] operating also as a spy for Queen Duazul.[3]


Nipaper has fair hair at the top of his head, while the sides are shaved. He has small eyes, a nose with a thin bridge, long, angled eyebrows, and a prominent chin. He is bespectacled. As a Royal Bodyguard, he wears a black suit and a tie.[1]


Succession Contest arc

On Queen Sevanti's orders, Prince Momoze's bodyguards are transferred over to Prince Marayam. However Nipaper and Bladge insist on continue being Prince Momoze's bodyguards, causing her to praise their loyalty. With no one else able to prepare supper, Bladge then makes her dinner, impressing Nipaper.[1] As Prince Momoze rests in her bedroom, Nipaper, Bladge, Vict, and Laroc stand guard outside her room, while one of the bodyguards patiently waits to assassinate the prince.[3] After Prince Momoze's murder, Nipaper, along with the other bodyguards, are taken into custody by the Kakin Army to be interrogated about the murder.[2]

Translations around the World

Language Name
The Arab world Flag Arabic نيبابر


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 35, Chapter 361
  2. 2.0 2.1 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 35, Chapter 368
  3. 3.0 3.1 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 35, Chapter 366

