
Salkov (サルコフ, Sarukofu) is one of the five known bodyguards working for Prince Tserriednich.[1] He is one of the 20 members of staff journeying with him to the Dark Continent.[2]


Salkov is a tall man with short, fair hair and a squared jaw. As a Royal Bodyguard, he wears a black suit and a tie.[3]


A stark contrast to Theta's personality, Salkov is more laid back and, as mentioned by him, not as smart as her either. He also seems to be reliant on her when it comes to discussing things over with Prince Tserriednich, because the way he would detail the Guardian Spirit Beast situation to the prince would have been too "revealing" of Nen. Salkov also has good control over his emotions, remaining impassible when suddenly faced by Tserriednich's sinister Sacred Guardian Beast. Despite Theta making fun of his intelligence, he has proven to be a good judge of character.[3]


Dark Continent Expedition arc[]

Chap 348 - Tserriednich's provisional hunters

Salkov and the other Provisional Hunters

Salkov appears to be one of the 5 bodyguards that work for Prince Tserriednich to pass the 289th Hunter Exam along with Theta and one of the 15 bodyguards to accompany Prince Tserriednich on the trip to the Dark Continent.[1]

Succession Contest arc[]

Salkov & Theta

Salkov and Theta arguing

Roughly two hours after the ship leaves the harbor, Salkov discusses the best way to handle Prince Tserriednich with Theta, as they both believe that, following Kurapika's announcement, he'll find out about Nen and try to learn it. So Theta eventually decides to follow Salkov's suggestion and agrees to teach Tserriednich herself to stunt and control his growth. The prince and his Guardian Spirit Beast confront the two, which intimidates Theta, while the prince demands information on what Nen is.[3]

Chap 385 - Theta waking up from her nightmare

Salkov watches over Theta

After Theta fails to assassinate the Fourth Prince on the night of the second banquet, Salkov watches over her until she wakes up. He gives her a mirror so she can see the brand given by the Guardian Spirit Beast. He warns her about lying for a third time, thinking that the Beast might be planning to give her a punishment worse than death. Salkov repeats that Theta should get some rest while letting him handle things. When Theta asks him how he will do it, he tells her to come up with a plan while resting, much to Theta's annoyance.[4]

Salkov uses luminol in the room where Theta supposedly killed Tserriednich, but the lack of a reaction causes him to conclude that she did not shoot him. He shares his findings with her, after which he takes over the prince's Nen training. Salkov is astounded by the speed of his progress and his intuition and realizes that stalling him will be difficult.[5]

Borksen briefly mentions Salkov during her explanation of Nen and how both Theta and he had changed when Tserriednich learned of it.[6]

Abilities & Powers[]

As a Provisional Hunter, Salkov has all the benefits granted by his status as a Hunter. However, these are all temporary, and his Hunter status and license will expire after the voyage to the New Continent.[7]


Salkov is able to see aura and use Nen.[3]

Manga Appearances[]

Dark Continent Expedition arc
340. Special Mission Absent
341. Threats Absent
342. Challenge Absent
343. Invitation Absent
344. Author Absent
345. Signature Absent
346. Options Absent
347. Inauguration Absent
348. Resolve Debut
Succession Contest arc
349. Worm Toxin Absent
350. Prince Absent
351. Battle to the Death Absent
352. Troublesome Absent
353. Cold-Blooded Absent
354. Heat Absent
355. Detonation Absent
356. Unfortunate: Part 1 Absent
357. Unfortunate: Part 2 Absent
358. Eve Absent
359. Departure Absent
360. Parasite Absent
361. Withdraw Absent
362. Resolve Appears
363. Nen Beast Absent
364. Speculation Absent
365. Choice Absent
366. To Each His Own Absent
367. Synchronization Absent
368. Foul Play Absent
369. Limits Absent
370. Observation Absent
371. Mission Absent
372. Disappearance Absent
373. Inheritance Absent
374. Ability Absent
375. Persuasion Absent
376. Determination Absent
377. Scheme Absent
378. Balance Absent
379. Collaboration Absent
380. Alarm Absent
381. Predation Absent
382. Awakening Absent
383. Escape Absent
384. War Absent
385. Warning Appears
386. Hypothesis Appears
387. Recreation Absent
388. Reflection Absent
389. Curse Absent
390. Clash: Part 1 Absent
391. Clash: Part 2 Absent
392. Information Absent
393. Plea Absent
394. Hypothesis Flashback
395. Founding: Part 1 Absent
396. Founding: Part 2 Absent
397. Founding: Part 3 Absent
398. Search Absent
399. Expulsion Absent
400. Secrecy Absent


  • (To Theta) "If you don't heed it, you'll likely suffer a fate worse than death."[4]
  • (To Theta, about defeating the Fourth Prince) "About that... Could you come up with something while you rest?"[4]

Translations around the World[]

Language Name
The Arab world Flag Arabic سالكوف
China Flag Chinese 沙路柯夫


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 33, Chapter 348
  2. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 36, Chapter 374
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 35, Chapter 362
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 37, Chapter 385
  5. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 37, Chapter 386
  6. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 38, Chapter 394
  7. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 34, Chapter 358

