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Chap 371 - Bill and Kurapika confront Shimano


倭舞琉的房間酷拉皮卡詢問其他的學生思考在有危險的情況下,是否繼續課擊。他要阿糸到另個房間, 修利科夫巴比瑪茵那他是不是應該要根。巴比瑪茵那要求他不要介入他的任務。同時,準備食物的島野被酷拉皮卡和比爾質疑,詢問她是否殺了巴利甘和會用念,她否認了,並問說會不會是倭舞琉的念獸造成的,酷拉指出了殺人的念是具現化,與守護靈獸不同。並且分析認為,如果可能在制約之下,如果有王子主動退出,就有可能造成這些靈獸消失。

Chap 371 - Spiders appear



Chap 371 - Mafia Princes


在黑鯓號第5層,3個人小組在通往食堂的走道收過路費。欺壓的人提到他們已經賂了士兵,所以沒辦法。但隨後旅團的信長, 富蘭克林, 飛坦芬克斯打倒了他們,他們向旅團解釋了卡丁的黑幫系統。其中三個王子秋來, 傑利多尼希路茲路斯分別與卡丁的三大黑幫結合。 Realizing that they are going nowhere, the Spiders ask instead how to pass through the floors, but the men refuse to be caught between the struggle. Franklin asks about the most powerful group, to which they answer would be the Shuu-u Family, affiliated with Third Prince Zhang Lei. Phinks changes the topic and tasks the men about finding someone over 190cm tall. He tells them that finding that person is their mission now.

Chap 371 - Chrollo and Machi

Machi demands that she will kill Hisoka

在他處庫洛洛瑪奇說話,瑪奇說她要殺西索, 庫洛洛不贊同,並表示說因為大家都想殺,所以誰先發現誰殺,他認為西索一定在船上,要找到他。

Chap 371 - Kakin Tree

The Great Kakin Tree

In a darkened room, King 拿士比•回可羅 stands nearby Prince 摩摩潔's corpse. His butler voices out his deepest condolences, yet Nasubi only answers that his daughter has become a foundation to the Great Kakin Tree and now lives in a brilliant lifestyle. Surrounded by 14 capsules, Nasubi reiterates that his daughter still lives.

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