獵人 Wiki
獵人 Wiki

依拉迪亞 (日語:イラルヂィア, 英語:Iraludia) 又譯伊拉爾迪亞,是風月王子的侍女.[1]後被派出參與酷拉皮卡的念課程。

外貌[ | ]

Iraludia dresses in a standard maid's robe.[1]

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暗黑大陸篇[ | ]

風月王子 sends 拉椒拉斯 and 伊拉爾迪亞 to attend 酷拉皮卡's two-week teaching of 念能力. The two maids are bewildered why they've been chosen to learn Nen over the Royal Bodyguards and while waiting they talk with Prince Kacho's maids 羅貝莉 and 遊里.[1]

出處[ | ]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Hunter × Hunter, Chapter 369

導航[ | ]
